Conda build #205
1 error
Build and publish conda package arm64
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c cd /mspasspy_build && conda install -y conda-build anaconda-client && conda config --set anaconda_upload no && conda config --add channels conda-forge && export CONDA_BUILD_DEBUG=1 && PACKAGE_PATH=$(conda build . --python ${PYTHON_VERSION} --output) && conda build . --python ${PYTHON_VERSION} --debug && if [ \"$PYTHON_VERSION\" = \"3.11\" ]; then anaconda -t $ANACONDA_API_TOKEN upload $PACKAGE_PATH --label main --label py${PYTHON_VERSION} --force ; else anaconda -t $ANACONDA_API_TOKEN upload $PACKAGE_PATH --label py${PYTHON_VERSION} --force ; fi" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1