This is my project for the second major project in the Flatiron School program. It is a Sinatra app that is designed for users to create an account, log in, and be able to "build" their own compound bows for archery competition or hunting purposes. Compound bows have so many customizable features that each shooter can tailor to their personal preference, shooting style, or sport. Each user can put whatever they would like for each attribute (some might even be optional). The idea behind this was to be able to list your current setup or something that you know works while being able to put some ideas down on "paper" for your next build. Or look at what others have made and take some inspiration from what you could see from others, almost like a Pinterest page.
To get this working, clone the repo and type "shotgun" into the terminal. Then in a browser go to localhost:9393 (or whatever port is listed for your server) and you should be brought to the home page.