Ansible role which installs and configures an Atlassian JIRA instance.
This role requires the Java JDK to be installed. The exact path can be configured, see below for variables.
You can use ansible-java-oracle-jdk
for this.
When using self signed certificates, it may be required to add those as trusted certificates in the default keystore.
You can use ansible-java-keystore
for this.
A relational database is required for JIRA, e.g. MySQL, Postgres or Oracle.
You can use ansible-mysql-server
for for this.
JIRA needs a JDBC driver to connect to the database, which may not be provided by the JIRA distribution. The exact path must be configured.
You can use ansible-mysql-jdbc-driver
to install the MySQL JDBC driver.
It may be need to configure packetilter rules for incoming or outgoing network connections.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see
All variables have set sensible defaults and usually should not need any configuration, The only variable required to be set is the path to the installed JDK.
jira_user_name: jira
User name under which the application will be installed. The account will be created if it does not exist.
jira_group_name: jira
Group name under which the application will be installed. The group will be created if it does not exist.
jira_service_name: jira
Service name of the application.
jira_provide_root_environment: false
Provide preconfigured aliases to the root shell for easier navigation to JIRA-specific directories.
jira_start_on_boot :false
Start JIRA automatically at boot.
Set this to true in production environments. Even better, use a process supervisor e.g. systemd or monit.
jira_perform_installation: false
Install or upgrade Atlassian JIRA automatically.
Upgrade is the same as installation, but the previously installed version will not be removed. If the configured JIRA version does not match the current JIRA version on the host, the configured JIRA version will be installed.
This flag can be used as an additional safety mechanism so the JIRA installation is not accidentally changed. It could e.g. be enabled only in a special, separate playbook for installations.
jira_start_after_installation: false
Start JIRA instance after the role has finished an installation or an upgrade.
This is handy if you want to restore a backup before the instance is started.
HTTP URL where to get the tar.gz archive for the JIRA application.
Depending on the environment, a HTTP proxy configuration may be needed in ansible.
jira_installation_archive_name: atlassian-jira-software-7.1.1-standalone
Folder name of the extracted JIRA instance.
jira_installation_archive_checksum: sha1:2ecb9442628c408e74bf22243cc7fa381ba73ff7
Checksum of the tar.gz archive for the given version.
jira_config_software_directory: /opt/atlassian/jira
Path to a directory where the JIRA instance should be installed.
jira_installation_jdbc_driver_jar_source_path: (empty)
Optional path to a JDBC driver jar file on the control machine that will be copied into the JIRA instance lib directory on the remote machine.
jira_config_jre_directory: ''
Required path to the directory that contains the Oracle JDK 1.8.
jira_config_home_directory: /var/atlassian/application-data/jira
Path to the JIRA home directory.
jira_config_jvm_heap_size: 1024m
How much memory the JVM should use.
This is passed to the -xXs
and -Xmx
JVM options.
jira_config_jvm_opts: ''
Additional JVM configuration options.
jira_config_tomcat_context_path: ''
The tomcat context path for the JIRA instance. By default, JIRA is reachable at /.
jira_config_tomcat_access_log: true
If tomcat should create access logs.
jira_config_tomcat_connectors: standalone: enabled: true type: standalone listening_port: 8080 reverse_proxy: enabled: false type: proxy listening_port: 8081 proxied_hostname: proxied_port: 443
Dictionary with tomcat connector configurations. The dictionary can contain an arbitrary number of connectors with arbitrary names.
- hosts: jira-servers
- role: ansible-atlassian-jira-application
jira_config_jre_directory: '/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_72'