A Machine Learning Project Movie Recommendation system using React and Flask.
In this Web application i used React for Front-end and Flask for Back-end.
For Movie-Recommendation i have used Machine Learning model which is trained over tmdb 5000 Movie dataset and provide the Recommendation
I used COSINE SIMILARITY algorithm to get similarity when user chooses a movie .
1.User can Search Movie
2.User can watch trailer and some clips of the Movie
3.If a user watched a clips of a movie then the movie details will stored in localstorage and based on the movie name the user will see the recommendation on the home screen
4.If a user type a text in Searchbar then it will auto complete.
Clone the project
to run fron-end
cd movie-app
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
to run backend
cd server
Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Start the server
python3 app.py
Flask =====> Click here
Cosine Similarity =====> Click here
Tailwindcss =====> Click here
React,TailwindCSS,Flask,Machine Learning