Presenter | Scott Bortoff |
Title | Sustainable HVAC: Research Opportunities for Modelicans |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
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Presenter | Dirk Zimmer |
Title | Mathematical Modeling in Modelica: The Art of Compressing Reality |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
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Authors | Matthias Reiner |
Title | Simulation of the on-orbit construction of structural variable modular spacecraft by robots |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Fabian Wüllhorst, Laura Maier, David Jansen, Larissa Kühn, Dominik Hering and Dirk Müller |
Title | BESMod - A Modelica Library providing Building Energy System Modules |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Other | Winner of the Best Conference Paper Award! 🥇 |
Award | |
Picture |
Authors | Michael Tiller |
Title | A Playground for the Modelica Language |
Files | [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Other | [Click here to go to the Playground] |
Authors | Lars Ivar Hatledal and Eirik Fagerhaug |
Title | Enhancing SSP creation using sspgen |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Iker Landa del Barrio, Julen Cestero, Marco Quartulli, Igor G. Olaizola, Naiara Aginako and Juan José Ugartemendia |
Title | Using Multi-Physics Simulation to Estimate Energy Flexibility for Local Demand Response Strategies in a Microgrid |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Hongxiang Fu, David Blum and Michael Wetter |
Title | Fan and Pump Efficiency in Modelica based on the Euler Number |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Meaghan Podlaski, Luigi Vanfretti, Robert Niemiec and Farhan Gandhi |
Title | Extending a Multicopter Analysis Tool using Modelica and FMI for Integrated eVTOL Aerodynamic and Electrical Drivetrain Design |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Giuseppe Laera, Luigi Vanfretti, Marcelo de Castro Fernandes, Sergio Dorado-Rojas, Fernando Fachini, Chetan Mishra, Kevin D. Jones, R. Matthew Gardner, Hubertus Tummescheit, Stéphane Velut and Ricardo J. Galarza |
Title | Guidelines and Use Cases for Power Systems Dynamic Modeling and Model Verification using Modelica and OpenIPSL |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Event Recording - Open in Youtube!], [Pre-Recorded Presentation - Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Marcelo de Castro Fernandes, Giuseppe Laera, Fernando Fachini, Sergio A. Dorado-Rojas, Luigi Vanfretti, Shehab Ahmed, Chetan Mishra, Kevin Jones and R. Matthew Gardner |
Title | Power System Real-Time Simulation using Modelica and the FMI |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Event Recording - Open in Youtube!], [Pre-Recorded Presentation - Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Jiacheng Ma, Donghun Kim and James E. Braun |
Title | Transient Simulation of an Air-source Heat Pump under Cycling of Frosting and Reverse-cycle Defrosting |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Other | First Runner-Up, Best Paper Award! 🥈 |
Award | |
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Authors | Mohamad Omar Nachawati, Gianmaria Bullegas, Andrey Vasilyev, Joe Gregory, Adrian Pop, Maged Elaasar and Adeel Asghar |
Title | Towards an Open Platform for Democratized Model-Based Design and Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Clément Coïc, Marc Budinger and Scott Delbecq |
Title | Multirotor drone sizing and trajectory optimization within Modelon Impact |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Hongtao Qiao and Christopher Laughman |
Title | Performance Enhancements for Zero-Flow Simulation of Vapor Compression Cycles |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Other | Second Runner-Up, Best Paper Award! 🥉 |
Award | |
Picture |
Authors | John Batteh, Jesse Gohl, James Ferri, Quang Le, Bill Glandorf, Bob Sherman and Rudolfs Opmanis |
Title | Material Production Process Modeling with Automated Modelica Models from IBM Rational Rhapsody |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Thomas Firsich, Zhiyao Yang and Zheng O'Neill |
Title | Development and Validation of a Modelica Model for the Texas A&M Smart and Connected Homes Testbed |
Files | [Presentation] [Full Paper] [Abstract] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Other | something |
Authors | Wangda Zuo |
Title | Model-Based Optimization for a Campus District Cooling System |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Chao Pan and Yaoyu Li |
Title | Hybrid Model Predictive Control of Chiller Plant with Thermal Energy Storage Evaluated with Modelica-Python Co-Simulation |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | David Blum |
Title | The Use of Modelica and the Functional Mockup Interface for the Building Optimization Testing Framework (BOPTEST) |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Other | [BOPTEST Homepage] |
Authors | Innovative concepts and application for large scale and multimode systems : use case study of heat networks |
Title | Valentin Gavan, Patrick Chombart, Charlie Duprat, Jérémie Fricker, Benoît Radet and Kevin Maquin |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Scott Bortoff |
Title | Modelica-Based Control of a Delta Robot |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Yingbo Ma, Keno Fischer, Chris Rackauckas and Viral Shah |
Title | Prototyping Composable Simplification Passes for Equation-Oriented Models Using ModelingToolkit.jl |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Roshni Jacob and Jie Zhang |
Title | Modeling and Control of Nuclear-Renewable Integrated Energy Systems for Electricity and Hydrogen Production |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Kaustubh Phalak and Deep Gupta |
Title | Use of TRACE 3D Plus Models with Spawn for Rapid Prototype Development in Modelica Environment |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Tao Yang, Konstantin Filonenko, Isabela Zuluaga and Christian Veje |
Title | Comparative Analysis of Price-based Control Strategies for a High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage System |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Jingbo Wang, Roshni Jacob and Jie Zhang |
Title | Reinforcement Learning based Control of Integrated Energy Systems using ModelicaGym |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |
Authors | Akhlak Bin Aziz and Caleb Brooks |
Title | Modeling an integrated energy system in OpenModelica to utilize the output of a nuclear reactor for producing energy and powering a desalination plant |
Files | [Presentation] |
Video | [Open in Youtube!] |