This project is an e-commerce website built using React for the frontend and Spring Boot for the backend. It provides a platform for users to browse, search for, and purchase products. The frontend is styled using Tailwind CSS, giving it a sleek and modern design
User authentication and authorization Product browsing and searching Shopping cart functionality Checkout process with payment integration Admin panel for managing products and orders Technologies Used:
Frontend: React, Tailwind CSS Backend: Spring Boot(done sepately) Database: Mysql
This e-commerce website follows a frontend-backend separation architecture. The frontend, developed with React, focuses on the user interface and client-side interactions. It leverages modern web technologies to deliver a responsive and interactive user experience.
Concurrently, the backend is built using Spring Boot, providing robust and scalable server-side functionalities. It handles data storage, business logic, and communication with external services. The frontend communicates with the backend via RESTful APIs, ensuring seamless integration and data exchange.