Most developers learn to solve problems by declaring temporary variables and for loops, an anti-pattern Venkat Subramaniam calls Primitive Obession. It doesn't allow for progress when you get stuck on a difficult problem, and results in unreadable, buggy code.
Instead, solve problems using a rigorous step-by-step approach:
- Construct a domain model (only if there's a domain to model, which isn't the case for Leetcode).
- Specify type signature.
- Write a pipeline that implements the type signature (expand, transform, reduce).
- Solve the problem one step at a time by writing callbacks within the pipeline.
- Specialize the algorithms using standard library functions. ex. Sum is a specialization of plus-reduce. Length is a specialization of count-reduce.
Using a rigorous approach increases the likelihood of writing maintainable code.
Given a table of numbers, create a total column.
Step 1
empty, since there are no domain types to model.
Step 2
number[][] -> number[]
Step 3
input |> reduce rank2
Step 4
input |> (Array.reduce (+))
Step 5
input |> Array.sum
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