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New build configuration option for coverage mode
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Small fixes on "func" mode instrumentation api
Formatting of the Go code
  • Loading branch information
muratekici committed Sep 24, 2020
1 parent 6631b3c commit f111817
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Showing 9 changed files with 91 additions and 81 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions BUILD.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ go_config(
debug = "//go/config:debug",
gotags = "//go/config:tags",
linkmode = "//go/config:linkmode",
covermode = "//go/config:covermode",
msan = "//go/config:msan",
pure = "//go/config:pure",
race = "//go/config:race",
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions go/config/BUILD.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ string_flag(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

name = "covermode",
build_setting_default = "",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

name = "tags",
build_setting_default = [],
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions go/private/actions/compilepkg.bzl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ def emit_compilepkg(
if cover and go.coverdata:
args.add("-arc", _archive(go.coverdata))
if go.coverage_mode != "":
args.add("-cover_mode", go.coverage_mode)
if go.mode.covermode != "":
args.add("-cover_mode", go.mode.covermode)
elif go.mode.race:
args.add("-cover_mode", "atomic")
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion go/private/context.bzl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -467,7 +467,6 @@ def go_context(ctx, attr = None):
nogo = nogo,
coverdata = coverdata,
coverage_enabled = ctx.configuration.coverage_enabled,
coverage_mode = ctx.configuration.coverage_mode,
coverage_instrumented = ctx.coverage_instrumented(),
env = env,
tags = tags,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -765,6 +764,7 @@ def _go_config_impl(ctx):
strip = ctx.attr.strip[BuildSettingInfo].value,
debug = ctx.attr.debug[BuildSettingInfo].value,
linkmode = ctx.attr.linkmode[BuildSettingInfo].value,
covermode = ctx.attr.covermode[BuildSettingInfo].value,
tags = ctx.attr.gotags[BuildSettingInfo].value,
stamp = ctx.attr.stamp,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -803,6 +803,10 @@ go_config = rule(
mandatory = True,
providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
"covermode": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
"gotags": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions go/private/mode.bzl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ def get_mode(ctx, go_toolchain, cgo_context_info, go_config_info):
stamp = go_config_info.stamp if go_config_info else False
debug = go_config_info.debug if go_config_info else False
linkmode = go_config_info.linkmode if go_config_info else LINKMODE_NORMAL
covermode = go_config_info.covermode if go_config_info else ""
goos = go_toolchain.default_goos
goarch = go_toolchain.default_goarch

Expand All @@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ def get_mode(ctx, go_toolchain, cgo_context_info, go_config_info):
msan = msan,
pure = pure,
link = linkmode,
covermode = covermode,
strip = strip,
stamp = stamp,
debug = debug,
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions go/tools/builders/cover.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ func cover(args []string) error {
// a coverage-instrumented version of the file. It also registers the file
// with the coverdata package.
func instrumentForCoverage(goenv *env, srcPath, srcName, coverVar, mode, outPath string) error {

if mode == "func" {
err := instrumentForFunctionCoverage(srcPath, srcName, coverVar, outPath)
if err != nil {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,11 +127,11 @@ func registerCoverage(coverSrc, varName, srcName, mode string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("registerCoverage: could not reformat coverage source %s: %v", coverSrc, err)

// Append an init function.
// Append an init function accordingly to the coverage mode.
if mode == "func" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, `
func init() {
%s.RegisterFileFuncCover(%s.SourcePath, %s.FuncNames, %s.FuncLines, %s.Flags)
%s.RegisterFileFunc(%s.SourcePath, %s.FuncNames, %s.FuncLines, %s.Executed)
}`, coverdataName, varName, varName, varName, varName)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, `
Expand Down
82 changes: 42 additions & 40 deletions go/tools/builders/funccover_helper.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,31 +25,33 @@ import (

// FuncCoverBlock contains tha name and line of a function
// Line contains the line of the definition in the source code
type FuncCoverBlock struct {
// Contains the function information.
// Line keeps the definition line of the function in the source code.
type funcCoverBlock struct {
Name string
Line int32

// SaveFuncs parses given source code and returns a FuncCover instance
func SaveFuncs(src string, content []byte) ([]FuncCoverBlock, error) {

// Parses given source code and returns a funcCoverBlock array.
func saveFuncs(src string, content []byte) ([]funcCoverBlock, error) {
fset := token.NewFileSet()

parsedFile, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", content, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

var funcBlocks []FuncCoverBlock
var funcBlocks []funcCoverBlock

// Find function declerations to instrument and save them to funcCover
// Finds function declerations to instrument and saves them to funcCover
for _, decl := range parsedFile.Decls {
switch t := decl.(type) {
// Function Decleration
// Function decleration is found.
case *ast.FuncDecl:
funcBlocks = append(funcBlocks, FuncCoverBlock{
if t.Body == nil {
funcBlocks = append(funcBlocks, funcCoverBlock{
Name: t.Name.Name,
Line: int32(fset.Position(t.Pos()).Line),
Expand All @@ -66,9 +68,9 @@ func astToByte(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File) []byte {
return buf.Bytes()

// InsertInstructions writes necessary set instrucions for instrumentation to function definitions
func InsertInstructions(w io.Writer, content []byte, coverVar string) (bool, error) {

// Inserts necessary set instrucions for instrumentation to function definitions.
// Writes the instrumented output using w.
func insertInstructions(w io.Writer, content []byte, coverVar string) (bool, error) {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
parsedFile, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", content, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
Expand All @@ -79,56 +81,56 @@ func InsertInstructions(w io.Writer, content []byte, coverVar string) (bool, err
var events []int
var mainLbrace = -1

// Iterates over functions to find the positions to insert instructions
// Saves the positions to array events
// Finds the position of main function if exists
// This will be used to insert a defer call, so that coverage can be collected just before exit
// Positions are changed due to imports but saved information in funcCover will be the same with the
// initial source code
// Iterates over functions to find the positions to insert instructions.
// Saves the positions to array events.
// Finds the position of main function if exists.
// This will be used to insert a defer call to an exit hook for coverage report on exit.
for _, decl := range parsedFile.Decls {
switch t := decl.(type) {
// Function Decleration
// Function decleration is found.
case *ast.FuncDecl:
if t.Body == nil {
events = append(events, int(t.Body.Lbrace))
if t.Name.Name == "main" {
mainLbrace = int(t.Body.Lbrace) - 1

// Writes the instrumented code using w io.Writer
// Insert set instructions to the functions
// Writes the instrumented code using w io.Writer.
// Insert set instructions to the functions.
// f() {
// coverVar.Counts[funcNumber] = 1;
// coverVar.Executed[funcNumber] = true;
// ...
// }
// Also inserts defer LastCallForFunccoverReport() to the beginning of main()
// Initially this is just an empty function but handler can override it
// Also inserts "defer (*FuncCoverExitHook)()" to the beginning of main().
// Initially hook just points to an empty function but the handler can override it.
// func main {
// defer LastCallForFunccoverReport()
// defer (*FuncCoverExitHook)()
// ...
// }
eventIndex := 0
for i := 0; i < contentLength; i++ {
if eventIndex < len(events) && i == events[eventIndex] {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n\t%s.Flags[%v] = true;", coverVar, eventIndex)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n\t%s.Executed[%v] = true;", coverVar, eventIndex)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", string(content[i]))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", string(content[i:i+1]))
if i == mainLbrace {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n\tdefer (*LastCallForFunccoverReport)()\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n\tdefer (*FuncCoverExitHook)()\n")

return mainLbrace != -1, nil

// declCover writes the declaration of cover variable to the end of the given source file writer using go templates
// If source has a main function, defines LastCallForFunccoverReport function variable and assign an empty
// function to it
// Embedded report libraries can implement an init() function that assigns LastCallForFunccoverReport
// a different function referance
func declCover(w io.Writer, coverVar, source string, hasMain bool, funcCover []FuncCoverBlock) {
// Writes the declaration of cover variables using go templates.
// If source has a main function, defines FuncCoverExitHook function pointer.
// Initializes FuncCoverExitHook with an empty function.
// Embedded report libraries can implement an init() function to use FuncCoverExitHook.
func declCover(w io.Writer, coverVar, source string, hasMain bool, funcCover []funcCoverBlock) {

funcTemplate, err := template.New("cover variables").Parse(declTmpl)

Expand All @@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ func declCover(w io.Writer, coverVar, source string, hasMain bool, funcCover []F
CoverVar string
SourceName string
HasMain bool
FuncBlocks []FuncCoverBlock
FuncBlocks []funcCoverBlock
}{coverVar, source, hasMain, funcCover}

err = funcTemplate.Execute(w, declParams)
Expand All @@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ var {{.CoverVar}} = struct {
SourcePath string
FuncNames []string
FuncLines []int32
Flags []bool
Executed []bool
} {
SourcePath: "{{.SourceName}}",
FuncNames: []string{ {{range .FuncBlocks}}
Expand All @@ -164,11 +166,11 @@ var {{.CoverVar}} = struct {
FuncLines: []int32{ {{range .FuncBlocks}}
Flags: []bool{ {{range .FuncBlocks}}
Executed: []bool{ {{range .FuncBlocks}}
{{ if eq .HasMain true }}
var EmptyVoidFunctionThisNameIsLongToAvoidCollusions082 = func() {}
var LastCallForFunccoverReport *func() = &EmptyVoidFunctionThisNameIsLongToAvoidCollusions082{{end}}`
var FuncCoverExitHookEmptyFunc = func() {}
var FuncCoverExitHook *func() = &FuncCoverExitHookEmptyFunc{{end}}`
36 changes: 16 additions & 20 deletions go/tools/builders/funccover_instrumenter.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,18 +22,17 @@ import (

// Instrumentation keeps the data necessary for instrumentation
type Instrumentation struct {
// funccoverInstrumenter struct have the data necessary for instrumentation.
type funccoverInstrumenter struct {
fset *token.FileSet
content []byte
coverVar string
outPath string
srcName string

// saveFile saves given file to instrumentation
func (h *Instrumentation) saveFile(src string) error {

// Saves given file's content to funccoverInstrumenter instance.
func (h *funccoverInstrumenter) saveFile(src string) error {
if h.fset == nil {
h.fset = token.NewFileSet()
Expand All @@ -48,21 +47,20 @@ func (h *Instrumentation) saveFile(src string) error {
return nil

// instrument function instruments the content saved in Instrumentation
func (h *Instrumentation) instrument() ([]byte, error) {

var funcCover = []FuncCoverBlock{}
// Instruments the source code content saved in h.
func (h *funccoverInstrumenter) instrument() ([]byte, error) {
var funcCover = []funcCoverBlock{}

// Saves the function data to funcCover
funcCover, err := SaveFuncs(h.srcName, h.content)
funcCover, err := saveFuncs(h.srcName, h.content)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

// Inserts necessary instructions to the functions
hasMain, err := InsertInstructions(buf, h.content, h.coverVar)
hasMain, err := insertInstructions(buf, h.content, h.coverVar)

if err != nil {
return nil, err
Expand All @@ -74,35 +72,33 @@ func (h *Instrumentation) instrument() ([]byte, error) {
return buf.Bytes(), nil

// writeInstrumented writes the instrumented source to h.outPath
func (h *Instrumentation) writeInstrumented(instrumented []byte) error {
// Writes the instrumented content to h.outPath
func (h *funccoverInstrumenter) writeInstrumented(instrumented []byte) error {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(h.outPath, instrumented, 0666); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Instrumentation failed: %v", err)
return nil

// instrumentForFunctionCoverage instruments the file given and writes it to outPath
// Instruments the file given and writes it to outPath
func instrumentForFunctionCoverage(srcPath, srcName, coverVar, outPath string) error {

var instrumentation = Instrumentation{
var instrumenter = funccoverInstrumenter{
coverVar: coverVar,
outPath: outPath,
srcName: srcName,

err := instrumentation.saveFile(srcPath)
err := instrumenter.saveFile(srcPath)
if err != nil {
return err

instrumented, err := instrumentation.instrument()
instrumented, err := instrumenter.instrument()
if err != nil {
return err

err = instrumentation.writeInstrumented(instrumented)

err = instrumenter.writeInstrumented(instrumented)
if err != nil {
return err
Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions go/tools/coverdata/coverdata_func.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,24 +14,24 @@

package coverdata

// FunctionCover contains the coverage data needed
type FunctionCover struct {
SourcePaths []string
FunctionNames []string
FunctionLines []int32
Flags []*bool
// FuncCover contains the coverage data needed
type FuncCover struct {
SourcePaths []string
FuncNames []string
FuncLines []int32
Executed []*bool

// FuncCover keeps the coverage data
// It is exported so that other packages can use it to report coverage
var FuncCover FunctionCover
// FuncCoverData keeps the coverage data in runtime
// Instrumented packages registers their coverage data to FuncCoverData
var FuncCoverData FuncCover

// RegisterFileFuncCover eegisters functions to exported variable FuncCover
func RegisterFileFuncCover(SourcePath string, FuncNames []string, FuncLines []int32, Flags []bool) {
// RegisterFileFunc eegisters functions to exported variable FuncCoverData
func RegisterFileFunc(SourcePath string, FuncNames []string, FuncLines []int32, Executed []bool) {
for i, funcName := range FuncNames {
FuncCover.SourcePaths = append(FuncCover.SourcePaths, SourcePath)
FuncCover.FunctionNames = append(FuncCover.FunctionNames, funcName)
FuncCover.FunctionLines = append(FuncCover.FunctionLines, FuncLines[i])
FuncCover.Flags = append(FuncCover.Flags, &(Flags[i]))
FuncCoverData.SourcePaths = append(FuncCoverData.SourcePaths, SourcePath)
FuncCoverData.FuncNames = append(FuncCoverData.FuncNames, funcName)
FuncCoverData.FuncLines = append(FuncCoverData.FuncLines, FuncLines[i])
FuncCoverData.Executed = append(FuncCoverData.Executed, &(Executed[i]))

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