On 8/12/2021, I was testing a theme switcher in my testing sandbox that we've been working on and I was confused that there were two switcher options.
First, we verified that it wasn't our code doing it. Then I tried to reproduce it in different tabs and was unsuccessful. The html that was on the page was:
<div class="cms_sidebar_block" id="cms_preview_block">
<div class="cms-dialog-title">
<span class="ui-dialog-title">Preview</span>
<form action="#">
<label>Select theme: </label
><select name="previewPageTheme" id="previewPageTheme" ccm-passed-value="10179" class="ccm-input-select">
<option value="10290">AAA Default theme</option>
<option value="10138">ACCESSIBILITY RIO</option>
<!-- Full option list truncated for brevity -->
<option value="10052">[IMPORT] Issue Checking Theme</option>
<option value="10179" selected="selected">[MUR] DEV (Presentation Style)</option>
<option value="10057">[RIO] Default (Blog Style)</option>
<option value="10055">[RIO] Default (Presentation Style)</option>
I found the part of the script in page-edit.js that handled the switching functions:
/* Sidebar Preview */
$("#previewPageTheme").change(function () {
$newPreviewUrl = replaceUrlParam($("#previewPageThemeButton").prop("href"), "themeCustomizationId", $("#previewPageTheme").val());
$("#previewPageThemeButton").prop("href", $newPreviewUrl);
$("#previewPageThemeButton").click(function () {
window.open($(this).prop("href"), "preview", "width=810,height=500,menubar=0,resizable=1,status=0,toolbar=0,scrollbars=1");
return false;
However, I could not find the functionality that was used to produce the theme select#previewPageTheme
and all the theme options. I assume this was handled on the server-side, possibly in the php code.
Question: Is there a function that will allow us to build a list of the themes and their IDs?
Interestingly, there were some CSS rules in page-edit.scss but not in the versioned, non-scss page-edit.css?version=… file.
/* Sidebar - preview */
#cms_preview_block select { margin-bottom: 10px; }
#cms_preview_block .btn { margin: 0 auto; float: none; width: 50%; text-align: center; }