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Antenna models for interference and co-existence studies


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Antenna models

This project provides Python-based antenna models described in various ITU-R Recommendations. Can be used for assessment of co-existence of various terrestrial and space radiocommunication services sharing the radio spectrum. Classes enable to:

  • set and/or modify all parameters of antennas considered in the relevant ITU-R recommendations;
  • calculate the antenna gains in various azimuth and elevation angles as well as off-the-axis angles;
  • display and store the resulting radiation patterns (H- and E-planes);
  • export radiation patterns data to CSV, JSON, YAML, MSI for subsequent use in other tools (e.g. MS Excel, Simulation tools).

The project is designed to be modular and extensible, allowing users to implement additional antenna models and customize export formats.


  • modular antenna models: Includes (so far) implementations for Rec. ITU-F.699, ITU-R F.1245, ITU-F.1336, ITU-R S.465, ITU-R S.580.
  • flexible export options: Supports exporting radiation patterns to CSV, JSON, YAML, MSI file formats.
  • easy-to-use framework: Provides a base class for creating and managing antenna models.
  • extensible: Add other ITU-R and custom models as well as exporters with minimal effort.

TETRA BTS antenna

NR BTS antenna


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd antennas

    If you wish to work with isolated environment, you may set up and activate a virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv
    # source venv/bin/activate  # On POSIX Platform
    # venv\Scripts\activate.bat  # On Windows: 
  2. Install dependencies:

    py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install the package in editable mode:

    py -m pip install .
  4. Run tests/ to test the overall functioning and functionalities of the package.

    cd tests


1. Import the Antenna module

from controller import Antenna

2. Create an Object of the Antenna class

your_antenna_name = Antenna('Model_name')

Below is the list of arguments one of which has to be passed to the constructor of the Antenna class when creating an Object:

Model_name Rec. ITU-R Antenna radiation patterns suitable for
ITUF699 F.699-8 Fixed wireless system in 0.1-86 GHz range. Models the peak envelope of side-lobe patterns
ITUF1245 F.1245-3 P2P fixed wireless system in 1-86 GHz range. Models the average radiation patterns
ITUF1336lg F.1336-5 Fixed/Mobile services (Low-Gain ant. below 20 dBi) in 1-3 GHz range. Models peak side-lobe patterns.
ITUF1336o F.1336-5 Fixed/Mobile services (Omnidirectional ant.) in 0.4-70 GHz range. Models both peak and average side-lobe patterns
ITUF1336s F.1336-5 Fixed/Mobile services (Sectoral ant.) in 0.4-70 GHz range. Models both peak and average side-lobe patterns
ITUS465 S.465-6 FSS ES (peak side-lobe patterns) for coordination/interference assessment in 2-31 GHz range
ITUS580 S.580-6 FSS GSO ES (peak side-lobe patterns) antenna design objectives

Below examples show the creation of antenna objects based on needs and requirements.

ant_1 = Antenna('ITUF699')  # P2P microwave antenna (peak radiation patterns)
ant_2 = Antenna('ITUF1245')  # P2P microwave antenna (aver.radiation patterns)
ant_3 = Antenna('ITUF1336lg')  # Low-gain directional antenna
ant_4 = Antenna('ITUF1336o')  # Omnidirectional antenna
ant_5 = Antenna('ITUF1336s')  # Sectoral antenna
ant_6 = Antenna('ITUS465')  # ES antenna 2-31 GHz
ant_7 = Antenna('ITUS580')  # GSO ES antenna

3. Set the parameters of the antenna as needed

    # provide
    # keyword 
    # arguments
    # here   

Depending on the argument passed to the constructor in step 2 above, the following keyword arguments are to be used when setting the parameters of the antenna. If the optional parameters are not provided, either default parameters are used or they are deduced using other provided mandatory parameters based on relevant recommendations/sources:

For 'ITUS580'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range Description
oper_freq_mhz optional int, float (1000, 100000) operating frequency (MHz)
diameter_m optional int, float (0.001, 14.999) antenna's equivalent diameter (m)
d_to_l optional int, float (50, 10000) Antenna diameter to wavelength ratio (both in the same unit)

Note: although the frequency, ant. diameter, and D/lambda ratio are indicated as optional, the calculation method is based on D/lambda ratio. Therefore, if D/lambda ratio is not provided, then both frequency and ant. diameter have to be provided together.

For 'ITUS465'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range Description
oper_freq_mhz optional int, float (2000, 31000) operating frequency (MHz)
diameter_m optional int, float (0.001, 99.999) antenna's equivalent diameter (m)
d_to_l optional int, float (0.001, 10000) Antenna diameter to wavelength ratio (both in the same unit)

Note: although the frequency, ant. diameter, and D/lambda ratio are indicated as optional, the calculation method is based on D/lambda ratio. Therefore, if D/lambda ratio is not provided, then both frequency and ant. diameter have to be provided together.

For 'ITUF699'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range Description
oper_freq_mhz mandatory int, float (100, 86000) operating frequency (MHz)
diameter_m optional int, float (0.001, 99.999) antenna's equivalent diameter (m)
max_gain_dbi optional int, float (-29.9, 89.9) max. main-lobe ant. gain (dBi)
beamwidth_deg optional int, float (0.001, 179.999 ) 3dB beamwidth (deg.)

Note: although ant. diameter, max. gain and beamwidth are indicated as optional, at least one of these must be provided when setting the antenna's parameters.

For 'ITUF1245'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range/Option Description
oper_freq_mhz mandatory int, float (1000, 86000) operating frequency (MHz)
calc_opt mandatory str 'Rec. 2', 'Rec. 3' refer to Note 1 below
max_gain_dbi optional int, float (-29.9, 89.9 ) max. main-lobe ant. gain (dBi)
diameter_m optional int, float (0.001, 99.999 ) antenna diameter (m)

Note 1: These are the sections of the Rec. ITU-R F.1245 that describing when a particular calculation method is suitable:

  • Recommends 2: Average radiation patterns of FWS antennas;
  • Recommends 3: Generalized radiation patterns of point-to-point FWS antennas.

Note 2: although ant. diameter and max. gain are indicated as optional, at least one of these must be provided when setting the antenna's parameters.

For 'ITUF1336lg'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range Description
oper_freq_mhz mandatory int, float (1000, 3000) operating frequency (MHz)
max_gain_dbi mandatory int, float (-29.9, 20) max. main-lobe ant. gain (dBi)

For 'ITUF1336o'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range/Option Description
oper_freq_mhz mandatory int, float (400, 70000) operating frequency (MHz)
max_gain_dbi mandatory int, float (-29.9, 59.9) max. main-lobe ant. gain (dBi)
pattern_type mandatory str 'average', 'peak' side-lobe pattern type
performance_type mandatory str 'typical', 'improved' side-lobe performance type
tilt_type mandatory str 'none', 'electrical' downward tilt type
tilt_angle_deg conditional int, float (-89.9, 89.9) downward tilt angle (deg.). Required when tilt type is electrical
beamwidth_el_deg optional int, float (0.1, 179.9) 3dB beamwidth (deg.) in elevation plane. Calc. automatically if not provided
k optional float (0.001, 0.999) parameter accounting increased side-lobe levels. Defaults: k=0.7 for typical; k=0 for improved

For 'ITUF1336s'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range/Option Description
oper_freq_mhz mandatory int, float (400, 70000) operating frequency (MHz)
max_gain_dbi mandatory int, float (-29.9, 59.9) max. main-lobe ant. gain (dBi)
beamwidth_az_deg mandatory int, float (0.1, 359.9) 3dB beamwidth (deg.) in azimuth plane
pattern_type mandatory str 'average', 'peak' side-lobe pattern type
performance_type mandatory str 'typical', 'improved' side-lobe performance type
tilt_type mandatory str 'none', 'mechanical', 'electrical' downward tilt type
tilt_angle_deg conditional int, float (-89.9., 89.9) downward tilt angle (deg.). Required when tilt type is not 'none'
beamwidth_el_deg conditional int, float (0.1, 179.9) 3dB beamwidth (deg.) in elevation plane. Required when beamwidth in azimuth plan is above 120 deg.
k_p optional float (0.001, 0.999) parameter accomplishing the relative minimum gain for peak side-lobe patterns. Default: 0.7
k_a optional float (0.001, 0.999) parameter accomplishing the relative minimum gain for average side-lobe patterns. Default: 0.7
k_h optional float (0.001, 0.999) azimuth pattern adjustment factor based on leaked power. Defaults: 0.8 for typical, 0.7 for improved
k_v optional float (0.001, 0.999) elevation pattern adjustment factor based on leaked power. Defaults: 0.7 for typical; 0.3 for improved

Example below demonstrates the settings of IMT BTS antenna in 1-3 GHz range as per [1] Rep. ITU-R M.2292-0.

# Create an object of ITUF1336s Class (sectoral antenna) 
my_antenna = Antenna('ITUF1336s')

# Set antenna parameters as per [1]
    oper_freq_mhz=806,  # LTE Band 20 DL center frequency
    max_gain_dbi=15,  # [1] Table 2
    beamwidth_az_deg=65, # [1] Table 2
    pattern_type='average',  # [1] is neutral on this
    performance_type='improved',  # Ref. Rec. ITU-R F.1336-5
    tilt_type='electrical',  # [1] is silent on this
    tilt_angle_deg=3,  # [1] Table 2
    # beamwidth_el_deg= ,  # Auto calculated
    # k_p=0.7,  # not required for pattern_type='average'
    k_a=0.7,  # [1] Table 2
    k_h=0.7,  # [1] Table 2
    k_v=0.3,  # [1] Table 2

Another example is provided below to model the antenna with peak envelope side-lobe patterns of point-to-point fixed systems (aka microwave links) operating in 24.25-29.50 GHz range as per [2] Rec. ITU-R F.758-7.

# Create an object of ITUF699 Class (microwave link) 
my_antenna = Antenna('ITUF699')

# Set antenna's parameters as per [2]
    oper_freq_mhz=26875,  # Middle frequency of the range
    max_gain_dbi=48,  # [2] Table 9

Example of setting the same microwave link's antenna as in above example but with average side-lobe patterns is given below.

# Create an object of ITUF1245 Class (microwave link) 
my_antenna = Antenna('ITUF1245')

# Set antenna's parameters as per [2]
    oper_freq_mhz=26875,  # Middle frequency of the range
    calc_opt='Rec. 2',  # Average patterns as per Recommends 2
    max_gain_dbi=48,  # [2] Table 9

4. Further options

Once the parameters of the antenna are set, any of the following functions would be available:

  • Calculate the antenna gain in any direction
  • Display/store the antenna radiation patterns
  • Export the antenna radiation patterns to a file
  • Modify antenna parameters

Calculate the gain of the antenna in required direction

    # provide
    # keyword 
    # arguments
    # here   

The method returns int or float number as resulting antenna gain in dBi unit. Depending on the argument passed to the constructor in step 2 above, the following keyword argument/arguments is/are to be passed to the method when calculating the antenna gain in any required direction:

For 'ITUF699' or 'ITUF1245' or 'ITUF1336lg' or 'ITUS465' or 'ITUS580'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range/Option Description
off_axis_angle mandatory int, float (0, 180) off-axis angle (deg.)

For 'ITUF1336o'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range/Option Description
elevation mandatory int, float (-90, +90) elevation angle (deg.) measured from horizontal plane at the site of antenna)

For 'ITUF1336s'

Keyword Requirement Value type Range/Option Description
azimuth mandatory int, float (-180, +180) Azimuth angle (deg.) in horizontal plane at the site of the antenna measured from the azimuth of maximum gain
elevation mandatory int, float (-90, +90) Elevation angle (deg.) measured from the horizontal plane) at the site of antenna
my_antenna.model.gain(azimuth=15.2, elevation=20.4)

Display/store antenna radiation patterns

In order to display the resulting antenna's radiation patterns, just call show_patterns() method of the model used. No argument is required. Once the radiation patterns are displayed, you can store it as an image using the file-save feature of the displaying window.


Export antenna parameters to files

To export the radiation patterns of the antenna and values of the parameters used to model a particular antenna, an Object of relevant Export class needs to be created first. Prior to creating exporter object, you need to import any required exporter class as shown below.

from exporters.csv_export import CSVExport
from exporters.json_export import JSONExport
from exporters.yaml_export import YAMLExport
from exporters.msi_export import MSIExport

your_exporter = ExportClass()

Then that object needs to be passed to export() method of the object of your antenna along with the file name you wish the information to be stored.

your_antenna_name.export(your_exporter, 'path/to/your/file.ext')

The following Export Classes are available:

ExportClass Description
CSVExport() exports radiation patterns in CSV file format
JSONExport() exports radiation patterns in JSON file format
YAMLExport() exports radiation patterns in YAML file format
MSIExport() exports radiation patterns in MSI Planet file format

If you wish to manipulate the data using Excel, you might wish to use CSV exporter. The MSI exporter is particularly good if you wish to use the modelled antenna in the network simulation tools. Many of such tools have functions of importing the radiation patterns from MSI Planet file format.

Refer to below examples of using exporters:

my_csv_exporter = CSVExport()
my_antenna.export(my_csv_exporter, '../exports/f1336s_ant.csv')

my_json_exporter = JSONExport()
my_antenna.export(my_json_exporter, '../exports/f1336s_ant.json')

my_yaml_exporter = YAMLExport()
my_antenna.export(my_yaml_exporter, '../exports/f1336s_ant.yaml')

my_msi_exporter = MSIExport()
my_antenna.export(my_msi_exporter, '../exports/f1336s_ant.msi')

Modify antenna parameters

The parameters can be changed any time in the same manner as the initial parameters settings, i.e. calling the set_params() method of the model. In below example, the earlier created antenna (refer to step 2 above) for IMT BTS in 1-3 GHz range is re-set to model the TETRA BTS antenna operating in 410-430 MHz range as per the[2] Specifications of antenna model DB654DG65A-C.

    oper_freq_mhz=420,  # TETRA Band 0100 center frequency
    max_gain_dbi=15,  # Ref. to [2]
    beamwidth_az_deg=65, # Ref. to [2]
    beamwidth_el_deg=17, # Ref. to [2]
    pattern_type='average',  # [2] is silent on this
    performance_type='improved',  # R[2] is silent on this
    tilt_type='none',  # [1] is neutral on this

Project Structure

├── src/                        # Source code/Core logic
│   ├── antenna_models/         # Antenna models
│   ├── exporters/              # Export utilities
├── tests/                      # Package testings
├── exports/                    # Exported files
├── docs/                       # Documentation
├── img/                        # Images
├── notebooks/                  # PARAMS testing aid
├── requirements.txt            # Dependencies
├──                    # Package configuration
├──                 # Package add. files
├──                   # Project overview
├── LICENSE.txt                 # License information
└──             # Contribution guidelines


I welcome contributions! See CONTRIBUTING for details.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For inquiries or issues, please open an issue or contact me at b.b.murzabaev @


Antenna models for interference and co-existence studies








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