Fullstack app built with NextJS/React, Apollo, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, and SCSS
If there's something I felt Spotify lacks, it's the ability to share thoughts and opinions of music online. There is no type of review or commenting system on the app, unlike Soundcloud which at least has commenting. Sometimes it's nice to see what you think of albums and have a way of explaining your love for a certain album that doesn't require verbal explanation. This app allows you to log albums you've listened to, give it a score, and write a review/anecdote as to why you like it--or hate it--so much.
To run start the web application, cd into the app directory, then run the following:
npm install
npm run dev
To run the Apollo webserver, Ensure you have cd into the backend
directory, and run the following commands:
npm install -g nodemon
npm run dev
This will run the Apollo server using nodemon.
Finally, ensure the database is synced using the Prisma ORM. Run this to install Prisma:
npm install @prisma/client
And then run the following to sync the database:
npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push