A simple template for myself to have all my current approaches to Android development at hand when creating a new app.
This is free to be used but anyone else, and please, feedback is always welcome!
Feel free to reach me out by opening an issue here, e-mailing me on [email protected]
or adding me on discord: Drackmord#9541
- Clean Architecture
- Hilt dependency injection
- Gradle kotlin DSL
- Jetpack Compose
- Compose Navigation
- Spotless formatting (ktfmt) with cross-platform git pre-commit hooks
- Unit and integration tests with Mockk
- Timber logger
- Sample UI test
- Gradle dependencies version management
- versionName and versionCode build-time generation
This project is made up of two modules:
meant to contain classes and business logic that interfaces with the host OS and third party librariescore
meant to contain all the internal business logic
Every class in the app module should follow this structure:
├── entrypoint
│ ├── receivers
│ │ └── <Broadcast Receivers here>
│ ├── services
│ │ └── <Other Services here>
│ ├── ui
│ │ └── <UI Classes and ViewModels here>
│ └── workers
│ └── <WorkManager Workers here>
└── framework
└── <Implementation of DataSource interfaces here>
Every class in the core module should follow this structure:
├── data
│ └── <Repositories and DataSource interfaces here>
├── domain
│ └── <Internal Model classes here>
└── usecases
└── <UseCase Classes here>