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402 Validation Message

zarlex edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

Add custom validation message

When the user enters a name of a hero that already exists the ngModel becomes invalid. As it is invalid the input get's a red border and the save button is disabled.

To give the user a visual feedback why the input is invalid we add a validation message for our custom validator.

The mw-input-wrapper is responsible to show the respective error message for all ngModel errors. For the common errors like min-length, max-length, min, max, url, email, pattern the mw-uikit provides already the according messages.

For our custom validator we have to register a new validation message.

Config mwValidationMessagesProvider

Open the directive hero-validate-unique.directive.js that you created in the previous step. We add a config block there that configures our message for the ngModel error heroUnique

      'heroUnique', // name of the validator for which you want to provide a text message
      'hero.validators.notUnique' //string to you i18n resource that will be used by i18n

  .directive('heroValidateUnique', function (HeroesCollection) {...}

Normally the config blocks belong in the module "main" file but in this case we put it here because it belongs to the directive below and makes it easier to find.

When the hero name already exist the our heroUnique validator will return false and therefore the ngModel has the error heroUnique.

We provide a text for the heroUnique error by registering a validator at the mwValidationMessagesProvider.

The mw-input-wrapper looks through all ngModel errors and check if mwValidationMessage has a message for that error.

Update validation message

Instead of The hero does already exist we want to have a message like The hero with the name "xyz" does already exist. The mwValidationMessages can also handle this case. You can update each registered validation message during runtime.

To do so we inject i18n and mwValidationMessages into our directive.

.directive('heroValidateUnique', function (mwValidationMessages, i18n, HeroesCollection) {...}

Now we can update our message by setting a new message where we can provide the name of the entered hero

ngModel.$validators.heroUnique = function (value) {
      //We update the existing validation message so can display the name of the already existing hero
        'heroUnique', // name of the validator for which we want to update the message
          return i18n.get('hero.validators.notUnique', {name: value}); // value is the name that the user has entered

Provide translations

Open the file en_US.json in the folder hero/i18n and add the following

"hero": {
  "validators": {
    "notUnique": "The hero with the name \"{{name}}\" does already exist"

and for de_DE.json

"hero": {
  "validators": {
    "notUnique": "Der Held mit dem Namen \"{{name}}\" existiert bereits"
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