Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PDFInfo2 - Improved PDF Plugin for SpamAssassin
This plugin is loosely based on Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PDFInfo by Dallas Engelken however it is not a drop-in replacement as it works completely different. The tag and test names have been chosen so that both plugins can be run simultaneously, if desired.
Notable improvements:
- Unlike the original plugin, this plugin can parse compressed data streams to analyze images and text
- It can parse PDF's that are encrypted with a blank password
- Several of the tests focus exclusively on page 1 of each document. This not only helps with performance but is a countermeasure against content stuffing
- pdf2_click_ratio - Fires based on how much of page 1 is clickable (as a percentage of total page area)
Encryption routines were made possible by borrowing some code from CAM::PDF by Chris Dolan
Links to the official PDF specification:
- Version 1.6:
- Version 1.7:
- Version 1.7 Extension Level 3:
- Version 2.0:
This plugin requires the following non-core perl modules:
- Crypt::RC4
- Crypt::Mode::CBC
- Convert::Ascii85
Additionally, if you want to analyze text from PDF's you will need to install pdftotext and enable it using the Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ExtractText plugin.
Copy all the files in the dist/
directory to your site rules directory (e.g. /etc/mail/spamassassin
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PDFInfo2
This plugin defines the following eval rules:
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_count(<min>,[max])
min: required, message contains at least x PDF attachments
max: optional, if specified, must not contain more than x PDF attachments
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_page_count(<min>,[max])
min: required, message contains at least x pages in PDF attachments.
max: optional, if specified, must not contain more than x PDF pages
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_link_count(<min>,[max])
min: required, message contains at least x links in PDF attachments.
max: optional, if specified, must not contain more than x PDF links
Note: Multiple links to the same URL are counted multiple times
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_page_count(<min>,[max])
min: required, message contains at least x words in PDF attachments.
max: optional, if specified, must not contain more than x PDF words
Note: This plugin does not extract text from PDF's. In order for pdf2_word_count to work the text
must be extracted by another plugin such as
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_match_md5(<string>)
string: 32-byte md5 hex
Fires if any PDF attachment matches the given MD5 checksum
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_match_fuzzy_md5(<string>)
string: 32-byte md5 hex string
Fires if any PDF attachment matches the given fuzzy MD5 checksum
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_match_details(<detail>,<regex>);
detail: Any standard PDF attribute: Author, Creator, Producer, Title, CreationDate, ModDate, etc..
regex: regular expression
Fires if any PDF attachment has the given attribute and it's value matches the given regular
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_is_encrypted()
Fires if any PDF attachment is encrypted
Note: PDF's can be encrypted with a blank password which allows them to be opened with any standard
viewer. This plugin attempts to decrypt PDF's with a blank password. However, pdf2_is_encrypted still
returns true.
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_is_encrypted_blank_pw()
Fires if any PDF attachment is encrypted with a blank password
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_is_protected()
Fires if any PDF attachment is encrypted with a non-blank password
Note: If the PDF is encrypted with a non-blank password, all other values will be empty
except pdf2_match_details('Version')
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_has_javascript()
Fires if any PDF attachment has JavaScript
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_has_open_action()
Fires if any PDF attachment has an OpenAction
The following rules only inspect the first page of each document
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_image_count(<min>,[max])
min: required, message contains at least x images on page 1 (all attachments combined).
max: optional, if specified, must not contain more than x images on page 1
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_color_image_count(<min>,[max])
min: required, message contains at least x color images on page 1 (all attachments combined).
max: optional, if specified, must not contain more than x color images on page 1
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_image_ratio(<min>,[max])
min: required, images consume at least x percent of page 1 on any PDF attachment
max: optional, if specified, images do not consume more than x percent of page 1
Note: Percent values range from 0-100
body RULENAME eval:pdf2_click_ratio(<min>,[max])
min: required, at least x percent of page 1 is clickable on any PDF attachment
max: optional, if specified, not more than x percent of page 1 is clickable on any PDF attachment
Note: Percent values range from 0-100
To match against text extracted from PDF's, use the following syntax:
pdftext RULENAME /regex/
score RULENAME 1.0
describe RULENAME PDF contains text matching /regex/
The following tags can be defined in an add_header
_PDF22COUNT_ - total number of pdf mime parts in the email
_PDF2PAGECOUNT_ - total number of pages in all pdf attachments
_PDF2WORDCOUNT_ - total number of words in all pdf attachments
_PDF2LINKCOUNT_ - total number of links in all pdf attachments
_PDF2IMAGECOUNT_ - total number of images found on page 1 inside all pdf attachments
_PDF2CIMAGECOUNT_ - total number of color images found on page 1 inside all pdf attachments
_PDF2VERSION_ - PDF Version, space seperated if there are > 1 pdf attachments
_PDF2IMAGERATIO_ - Percent of first page that is consumed by images - per attachment, space separated
_PDF2CLICKRATIO_ - Percent of first page that is clickable - per attachment, space separated
_PDF2NAME_ - Filenames as found in the mime headers of PDF parts
_PDF2PRODUCER_ - Producer/Application that created the PDF(s)
_PDF2AUTHOR_ - Author of the PDF
_PDF2CREATOR_ - Creator/Program that created the PDF(s)
_PDF2TITLE_ - Title of the PDF File, if available
_PDF2MD5_ - MD5 checksum of PDF(s) - space seperated
_PDF2MD5FUZZY1_ - Fuzzy1 MD5 checksum of PDF(s) - space seperated
_PDF2MD5FUZZY2_ - Fuzzy2 MD5 checksum of PDF(s) - space seperated
Example add_header
add_header all PDF-Info pdf=_PDF2COUNT_, ver=_PDF2VERSION_, name=_PDF2NAME_
add_header all PDF-Details producer=_PDF2PRODUCER_, author=_PDF2AUTHOR_, creator=_PDF2CREATOR_, title=_PDF2TITLE_
add_header all PDF-ImageInfo images=_PDF2IMAGECOUNT_ cimages=_PDF2CIMAGECOUNT_ ratios=_PDF2IMAGERATIO_
add_header all PDF-LinkInfo links=_PDF2LINKCOUNT_, ratios=_PDF2CLICKRATIO_
add_header all PDF-Md5 md5=_PDF2MD5_, fuzzy1=_PDF2MD5FUZZY1_
To view the MD5 checksums for a message you can run:
cat msg.eml | spamassassin -D -L |& grep PDF2MD5
The Fuzzy 1 checksum is calculated using tags from every object that is traversed which is essentially pages, images, and the document trailer. You should expect a match if two PDF's were created by the same author/program and have the same structure with the same or slightly different content.
The Fuzzy 2 checksum only includes the comment lines at the beginning of the document plus the first object. The Fuzzy 2 checksum is generally an indicator of what software created the PDF but the contents could be totally different.
This plugin creates a new "pdf" URI type. You can detect URI's in PDF's using the URIDetail plugin. For example:
uri-detail RULENAME type =~ /^pdf$/ raw =~ /^https?:\/\/bit\.ly\//
This will detect a link inside a PDF document
Kent Oyer [email protected]
Copyright (C) 2023 MXGuardian LLC
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file included with this distribution for more information.
This plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.