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Docker With Express Server

A simple webapp that connect with docker

The requiremement to start Docker

[x] Install Docker client in local pc

Managing Dockerfile

Do the step bellow

  • Create a Dockerfile in root directory.
  • Add the following code
FROM node:14
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . ./
CMD ["node", "app.js"]


  • We selected node:14 as node version 14
  • work directory /app (We can name it anything)
  • copy our package.json into /app directory
  • Then install all dependency in docker container
  • Then copy all file into /app folder where (. means our current directory and ./ means our docker container directory)
  • Then open port 3000
  • Then node command (We all know what is going on by this command)

build docker image

docker build . -t node-app-image -t flag represent image name

After building docker image run following command

run docker iamge

docker run -d --name node-app node-app-image -d flag represent detach mode --name flag represent docker container name and next parameter docker image name

  • We cannot access to 3000 port because docker will not understand local pc. It will understand local pc as outside device. To fix this problem we need to follow this step

run docker iamge image

docker run -p 8080:8080 -d --name node-app node-app-image -p flag represent port and first part represent our local pc which will be run in localhost:8080 and second part which is running under docker image in our express server

To see the file inside docker container

docker exec -it node-app bash -it command means intactive mode. this command will show all of the file inside docker container

The reason is to see what docker container actually doing

After any code in my local pc, we cannot see updated things in runnign port. To solve this we have to follow these

  • We need to rebuild and re-run everything

But this process is messy. Every time for small changes rebuild will take time which will slow down development.

To solve this we need to sync our local folder into docker container.

Here we go

run the same command of docker run and add extra flag -v which stands for volume local_path:docker_path

  • Here local_path is our local project directory.
  • And docker_path is our docker file directory which we defined /app.

We can also use a shortcut for local_path

  • for windows command shell use %cd%
  • for windows power shell use ${pwd}
  • for Mac use $(pwd)

Example: docker run -v $(pwd):/app -p 8080:8080 -d --name node-app node-app-image

that will grab current directory

If nodemon doesn't restart in docker pass -L flag

Syncing with docker container

We don't want to watch node_modules folder with docker container. But if we delete node_modules from local directory it delete from docker container as well. To prevent this we need to follow these stese.

For this we need add another extra volume flag and add parameter as /app/node_modules docker run -v $(pwd):/app -v /app/node_modules -p 8080:8080 -d --name node-app node-app-image

Now we don't want to docker to change our file. If we create any file inside docker container it impact on our local directory. So to prevent this we need to make docker container read-only.

use same command and use extra option after docker_path name using colon (:) docker run -v $(pwd):/app:ro -v /app/node_modules -p 8080:8080 -d --name node-app node-app-image

Use of Environment Variables

To use Environment variable in command, we need to use -e flag or --env flag and use our port.

Example: docker run -v $(pwd):/app:ro -v /app/node_modules -e PORT=4000 -p 8080:4000 -d --name node-app node-app-image

To use Environment variable using .env file we need to follow this command along with flag --env-file and path of the env file

Example: docker run -v $(pwd):/app:ro -v /app/node_modules --env-file ./.env -p 8080:5000 -d --name node-app node-app-image

Managing Docker Volume

  • List all running volume docker volume ls
  • To delete all unused volume except accociated container docker volume prune
  • To delete volume along with docker container docker rm node-app -fv

Managing of Docker Compose

  • Create a docker-compose.yml file add all flag in it
  • To get information docker-compose up --help
  • Run our app using docker compose docker-compose up -d

Managing docker-compose for development and production mode (ENV specific docker file)

Create three files

  • docker-compose.yml which will be common file
  • which will be for development
  • which will be for production

Now update package.json file and update scripts npm start to node app.js and for npm run dev to nodemon -L app.js

So in production we don't want to install devDependencies. To do so we need to update Dockerfile and update npm install to some bash script

RUN if [ "$NODE_ENV" = "development" ]; \
      then npm install; \
      else  npm install --only-production;\

Here we are passing ARG NODE_ENV which will be passed from and inside build command. Add the following in docker compose file

In dev file

  context: .
    NODE_ENV: development

In prod file

  context: .
    NODE_ENV: production

pretty simple

And run this command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d --build

  • -f flag define file where we defined 2 docker-compose file. One for common and another for production
  • -d flag for detach
  • --build which will build our docker image. without --build docker will just restart. Image will not build

To delete docker container run same command and replace up -> down and remove --build flag and add -v flag which will delete all associated volume

Note: In production we don't have any volume. so we don't need to pass -v flag while closing container. But for development we need to pass it

Example: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f down -v

Setup MongoDB Database

To setup mongo in our docker we need to get mongo official image from docker official site

use this configuration in docker-compose.yml file

    image: mongo
      - mongo-db:/data/db

Here image: mongo which is docker official mongo image
we need to add environment variable as MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME and MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD and the value is anything

Note: when we down our composer we pass -v flag which will delete all volume including mongodb. The problem is we will loose data if we delete all volumes. To prevent this we need to add volume in docker-compose.yml file and when we run it will throw an error. So it's simple. We need to whitelist these name volume in docker-compose.yml in root


after that we will run our docker compose file.

When we will close our docker compose we will not pass -v flag which will not remove volumes. After runnign docker compose we should do the following

  • docker volume prune which will remove all unused volume

Let's dive into connecting mongodb with our express server

const mongoose = require('mongoose');


To check IP address of docker run this command
docker inspect docker_mongo_1 where docker_mongo_1 is my mongo docker container name, for you it might be different.
Also instead of using ip address we can use mongo as host

Finishing up with mongodb

When we will build our docker compose we need mongo installed. So mongo needs to run first. To do this syncronously we need to pass the code bellow inside node-app container in docker-compose.yml file

  - mongo

Setting up Redis

To setup redis database in our docker we need to get redis official image from docker official site

Add this section under services

    image: redis


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