A Leiningen plugin for Jelastic.
To use lein-jelastic add the following configuration to your
:plugins [[lein-jelastic "0.1.2"]]
:jelastic {:apihoster "app.jelastic.provider.com"
:email "[email protected]"
:password "XXXXXXXX"
:environment "myapp"
; Optionals
; :context "mycontext"
; Custom filename can be set for example to match ring uberwar output
; :custom-filename (fn [proj]
; (str (:name proj) "-" (:version proj) "-STANDALONE"))
As storing user and password information in the project directly is generally not
so good idea, you can store sensitive information in your ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:user {:jelastic {:email "[email protected]" :password "XXXXXXX"}}}
Upload current target to jelastic
$ lein jelastic upload
Upload and deploy current target
$ lein jelastic deploy
Copyright © 2013 Mysema
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.