A curated list of awesome resources around decentralized applications (Ðapps)
Easily access this list @ dapps.cool
- serpent
- Documentation: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Serpent
- solidity
- Documentation: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/
- Dapp Insight - A curated listing of live dapps built on ethereum
- State of the DApps - - State of the DApps lists of all Ethereum DApps known to mankind
- OpenBazaar - - OpenBazaar is an open source project developing a protocol for e-commerce transactions in a fully decentralized marketplace
- SafeMarket - - A P2P Market system
- Livepeer - - An open platform for decentralized live video broadcasting
- CryptoPunks - - 10,000 unique collectible characters with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain.
- Thousand Ether Homepage - - The Million Dollar Homepage as an Ethereum Smart Contract and DApp. Own a piece of blockchain history!
- Superblocks Lab - Web IDE. Built in browser blochain VM, Metamask integration (one click deployments to Testnet/Mainnet), transaction logger and live code your WebApp among many other features.
- Embark - Embark is a framework that allows you to easily develop and deploy Decentralized Applications
- ethereumjs/testrpc - A Node.js based Ethereum client for testing and development. It uses ethereumjs to simulate full client behavior and make developing Ethereum applications much faster.
- Ethereum Jobs - The premier job board and developer community space specifically for Ethereum by EtherCasts
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
Jason Walsh @jasonwalsh | Brandon Him @brh55 |
To the extent possible under law, Jason Walsh has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.