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+ ref queryParam & shouldFetch
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* rename ref `currentRoute` to `lastFetchingRoute`
* inline ref `title` and its mutating in `fetchPosts()` to its usage inside `useHead()`
* move the scrolling viewport to `postListItemScrollPosition()` from `parseRouteThenFetch()` to `watchEffect()`
- ref `postPages`, `isFetching` & `lastFetchError` in favor of `useApiPosts`
- `v-(if|show)` directive on `<Placeholder(Error|PostList)>`
@ `<Post>`

+ param `enabled` and wrap param `queryParam` in `ref<>` to enable reactivity @ `api/index.ts.useApi*()`
@ fe
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n0099 committed Feb 19, 2024
1 parent 4c49c88 commit 61b7973
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Showing 2 changed files with 81 additions and 84 deletions.
29 changes: 17 additions & 12 deletions fe/src/api/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import type { Api, ApiError, ApiForums, ApiPosts, ApiStatsForumPostCount, ApiStatus, ApiUsers, Cursor, CursorPagination } from '@/api/index.d';
import type { MaybeRefOrGetter, Ref } from 'vue';
import type { InfiniteData, QueryFunctionContext, QueryKey } from '@tanstack/vue-query';
import { useInfiniteQuery, useQuery } from '@tanstack/vue-query';
import nprogress from 'nprogress';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,22 +81,26 @@ const useApi = <
TApi extends Api<TResponse, TQueryParam>,
TResponse = TApi['response'],
TQueryParam = TApi['queryParam']>
(endpoint: string, requesterGetter: ReqesuterGetter) => (queryParam?: TQueryParam) =>
useQuery<TResponse, ApiErrorClass, TResponse>({
queryKey: [endpoint, queryParam],
queryFn: requesterGetter<TResponse, TQueryParam>(`/${endpoint}`, queryParam)
(endpoint: string, requesterGetter: ReqesuterGetter) =>
(queryParam?: Ref<TQueryParam | undefined>, enabled?: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>) =>
useQuery<TResponse, ApiErrorClass, TResponse>({
queryKey: [endpoint, queryParam],
queryFn: requesterGetter<TResponse, TQueryParam>(`/${endpoint}`, queryParam?.value),
const useApiWithCursor = <
TApi extends Api<TResponse, TQueryParam>,
TResponse = TApi['response'] & CursorPagination,
TQueryParam = TApi['queryParam']>
(endpoint: string, requesterGetter: ReqesuterGetter) => (queryParam?: TQueryParam) =>
useInfiniteQuery<TResponse & CursorPagination, ApiErrorClass, InfiniteData<TResponse & CursorPagination, Cursor>, QueryKey, Cursor>({
queryKey: [endpoint, queryParam],
queryFn: requesterGetter<TResponse & CursorPagination, TQueryParam>(`/${endpoint}`, queryParam),
initialPageParam: '',
getNextPageParam: lastPage => lastPage.pages.nextCursor
(endpoint: string, requesterGetter: ReqesuterGetter) =>
(queryParam?: Ref<TQueryParam | undefined>, enabled?: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>) =>
useInfiniteQuery<TResponse & CursorPagination, ApiErrorClass, InfiniteData<TResponse & CursorPagination, Cursor>, QueryKey, Cursor>({
queryKey: [endpoint, queryParam],
queryFn: requesterGetter<TResponse & CursorPagination, TQueryParam>(`/${endpoint}`, queryParam?.value),
initialPageParam: '',
getNextPageParam: lastPage => lastPage.pages.nextCursor,

export const useApiForums = () => useApi<ApiForums>('forums', getRequester)();
export const useApiStatus = useApi<ApiStatus>('status', getRequesterWithReCAPTCHA);
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136 changes: 64 additions & 72 deletions fe/src/views/Post.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,26 +2,26 @@
<div class="container">
<QueryForm ref="queryFormRef" :isLoading="isFetching" />
<p>当前页数:{{ getRouteCursorParam(route) }}</p>
<Menu v-show="!_.isEmpty(postPages)" v-model:selectedKeys="selectedRenderTypes" mode="horizontal">
<Menu v-show="!_.isEmpty(data?.pages)" v-model:selectedKeys="selectedRenderTypes" mode="horizontal">
<MenuItem key="list">列表视图</MenuItem>
<MenuItem key="table">表格视图</MenuItem>
<div v-show="!_.isEmpty(postPages)" class="container-fluid">
<div v-if="!(data === undefined || _.isEmpty(data.pages))" class="container-fluid">
<div class="row flex-nowrap">
<PostNav v-if="renderType === 'list'" :postPages="postPages" />
<PostNav v-if="renderType === 'list'" :postPages="data.pages" />
<div class="post-page col mx-auto ps-0" :class="{ 'renderer-list': renderType === 'list' }">
<PostPage v-for="(posts, pageIndex) in postPages" :key="posts.pages.currentCursor"
:renderType="renderType" :posts="posts"
:currentRoute="currentRoute" :isLoadingNewPage="isFetching"
:isLastPageInPages="pageIndex === postPages.length - 1" />
<PostPage v-for="(page, pageIndex) in data.pages" :key="page.pages.currentCursor"
:renderType="renderType" :posts="page"
:currentRoute="lastFetchingRoute" :isLoadingNewPage="isFetching"
:isLastPageInPages="pageIndex === data.pages.length - 1" />
<div v-if="renderType === 'list'" class="col d-none d-xxl-block p-0" />
<div class="container">
<PlaceholderError v-if="lastFetchError !== null" :error="lastFetchError" class="border-top" />
<PlaceholderPostList v-show="showPlaceholderPostList" :isLoading="isFetching" />
<PlaceholderError :error="error" class="border-top" />
<PlaceholderPostList :isLoading="isFetching" />

Expand All @@ -32,75 +32,66 @@ import QueryForm from '@/components/Post/queryForm/QueryForm.vue';
import PlaceholderError from '@/components/placeholders/PlaceholderError.vue';
import PlaceholderPostList from '@/components/placeholders/PlaceholderPostList.vue';
import { apiPosts, isApiError } from '@/api';
import type { ApiError, ApiPosts, Cursor } from '@/api/index.d';
import { useApiPosts } from '@/api';
import type { ApiPosts, Cursor } from '@/api/index.d';
import { getReplyTitleTopOffset, postListItemScrollPosition } from '@/components/Post/renderers/rendererList';
import { compareRouteIsNewQuery, getRouteCursorParam } from '@/router';
import type { ObjUnknown } from '@/shared';
import { notyShow, scrollBarWidth, titleTemplate } from '@/shared';
import { useTriggerRouteUpdateStore } from '@/stores/triggerRouteUpdate';
import { computed, nextTick, onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
import { computed, nextTick, onMounted, ref, watchEffect } from 'vue';
import type { RouteLocationNormalized } from 'vue-router';
import { onBeforeRouteUpdate, useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import { watchOnce } from '@vueuse/core';
import { Menu, MenuItem } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { useHead } from '@unhead/vue';
import * as _ from 'lodash-es';
export type PostRenderer = 'list' | 'table';
const route = useRoute();
const title = ref<string>('帖子查询');
const postPages = ref<ApiPosts[]>([]);
const isFetching = ref<boolean>(false);
const lastFetchError = ref<ApiError | null>(null);
const showPlaceholderPostList = ref<boolean>(true);
const queryParam = ref<ApiPosts['queryParam']>();
const shouldFetch = ref<boolean>(false);
const { data, error, isFetching, isFetchedAfterMount } = useApiPosts(queryParam, shouldFetch);
const selectedRenderTypes = ref<[PostRenderer]>(['list']);
const renderType = computed(() => selectedRenderTypes.value[0]);
const queryFormRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof QueryForm>>();
const currentRoute = ref<RouteLocationNormalized>(route);
useHead({ title: computed(() => titleTemplate(title.value)) });
const lastFetchingRoute = ref<RouteLocationNormalized>(route);
title: computed(() => titleTemplate((() => {
const firstPostPage = data.value?.pages[0];
if (firstPostPage === undefined)
return '帖子查询';
const forumName = `${}吧`;
const threadTitle = firstPostPage.threads[0].title;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check
switch (queryFormRef.value?.getCurrentQueryType()) {
case 'fid':
case 'search':
return `${forumName} - 帖子查询`;
case 'postID':
return `${threadTitle} - ${forumName} - 帖子查询`;
return '帖子查询';
const fetchPosts = async (queryParams: ObjUnknown[], isNewQuery: boolean, cursor: Cursor) => {
const startTime =;
lastFetchError.value = null;
showPlaceholderPostList.value = true;
if (isNewQuery)
postPages.value = [];
isFetching.value = true;
const query = await apiPosts({
queryParam.value = {
query: JSON.stringify(queryParams),
cursor: isNewQuery ? undefined : cursor
}).finally(() => {
showPlaceholderPostList.value = false;
isFetching.value = false;
shouldFetch.value = true;
watchOnce(isFetchedAfterMount, value => {
if (value)
shouldFetch.value = false;
if (isApiError(query)) {
lastFetchError.value = query;
if (error.value !== null)
return false;
if (isNewQuery)
postPages.value = [query];
postPages.value.push(query); // todo: unshift when fetching previous page
const forumName = `${postPages.value[0]}吧`;
const threadTitle = postPages.value[0].threads[0].title;
switch (queryFormRef.value?.getCurrentQueryType()) {
case 'fid':
case 'search':
title.value = `${forumName} - 帖子查询`;
case 'postID':
title.value = `${threadTitle} - ${forumName} - 帖子查询`;
case 'empty':
case undefined:
throw new Error(queryFormRef.value?.getCurrentQueryType());
const networkTime = - startTime;
await nextTick(); // wait for child components finish dom update
Expand All @@ -110,6 +101,7 @@ const fetchPosts = async (queryParams: ObjUnknown[], isNewQuery: boolean, cursor
return true;
const scrollToPostListItem = (el: Element) => {
// simply invoke el.scrollIntoView() for only once will scroll the element to the top of the viewport
// and then some other elements above it such as img[loading='lazy'] may change its box size
Expand All @@ -133,41 +125,41 @@ const scrollToPostListItem = (el: Element) => {
addEventListener('scrollend', tryScroll);
watchEffect(() => {
if (isFetchedAfterMount.value && renderType.value === 'list') {
const scrollPosition = postListItemScrollPosition(lastFetchingRoute.value);
if (scrollPosition === false)
const el = document.querySelector(scrollPosition.el);
if (el === null)
requestIdleCallback(function retry(deadline) {
if (deadline.timeRemaining() > 0)
const parseRouteThenFetch = async (newRoute: RouteLocationNormalized, isNewQuery: boolean, cursor: Cursor) => {
if (queryFormRef.value === undefined)
return false;
const flattenParams = await queryFormRef.value.parseRouteToGetFlattenParams(newRoute);
if (flattenParams === false)
return false;
currentRoute.value = newRoute;
lastFetchingRoute.value = newRoute;
const isFetchSuccess = await fetchPosts(flattenParams, isNewQuery, cursor);
if (isFetchSuccess && renderType.value === 'list') {
(() => {
const scrollPosition = postListItemScrollPosition(newRoute);
if (scrollPosition === false)
const el = document.querySelector(scrollPosition.el);
if (el === null)
requestIdleCallback(function retry(deadline) {
if (deadline.timeRemaining() > 0)
return isFetchSuccess;
onBeforeRouteUpdate(async (to, from) => {
const isNewQuery = useTriggerRouteUpdateStore()
.isTriggeredBy('<QueryForm>@submit', {, force: true })
|| compareRouteIsNewQuery(to, from);
const cursor = getRouteCursorParam(to);
if (!(isNewQuery || _.isEmpty(_.filter(
i => i.pages.currentCursor === cursor
return true;
Expand Down

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