Space Pioneers is a quiz game divided into three sections (documentation, game, profile), on the theme of space and especially the solar system, a subject that is very interesting for teenagers .
This game was developed using flutter, and it was tested on android devices .
You can find here the link of the Figma UI and the prototype .
Our main **implemented features** are:-
Authentication: Divided into two sections the first for new users and a second for users with an existing account.
Documentation: A section in which the player can find information about the planets (it is better to visit it before going to the game otherwise consult it in case of difficulties).
Quiz: The part in which the player will answer the question and eventually win stars. (the currency of the game)
Assignment of badges and display of congratulations messages at the end of a level.
Consultation of unlocked badges : acquired when completing all the questions related to a planet.
Store: The section in which players can unlock avatars using earned stars.
Change the active avatar according to the player's choice .
- @nadir-ogd
- @chechna9
- @mohamedaminebentayeb
- @Daliamhr
- @muhammedBkf
- @mouhBZ