- https://api.namitoyokota.com/bookmarks.json - List of useful links.
- https://api.namitoyokota.com/images.json - List of images for the photography portfolio.
- https://api.namitoyokota.com/projects.json - List of side projects.
- https://api.namitoyokota.com/socials.json - List of social medias.
- https://api.namitoyokota.com/sounds.json - List of sound effects.
- https://api.namitoyokota.com/utils.json - Utility object data like logos, meta images, and loading icons.
Create a new file within the root directory with the name .env
and fill in the below information:
EMAIL="[email protected]"
$ convert -blur 0x500 ./image.jpg ../images-compressed/image.jpg
$ for FILE in *; do convert -blur 0x500 ./$FILE ../images-compressed/$FILE; done
$ optimizt /path_to_image.jpg
$ cwebp -q 50 ./image.jpg -o ./image.webp
$ for FILE in *; do cwebp -q 50 ./$FILE -o ${FILE%%.*}.webp; done