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Full Stack REST API with MERN: Replacing Node/Express with R Backend Integration and Azure Deployment 😃

Node LTS React 18.3.1 Express.js Static Badge
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Static Badge Static Badge


This project provides a comprehensive starting point for building a full-stack application using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack, featuring complete CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality for developing RESTful APIs. Additionally, this project demonstrates how to integrate R, a popular programming language for statistical computing and graphics, as a backend API.

To further streamline development and deployment, this project also includes a GitHub Actions workflow for automating testing, building, and deployment to Azure, ensuring a seamless and efficient development experience.

Dataset Source: I used Borealis Milk Yield Data (file: 4511.csv) to test the app. This dataset allows users to add, delete, or update records as needed.

Tech Stack

  • MongoDB (Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB)
  • Express.js & R (developped backend API)
  • React (Vite)
  • Node
  • TailwindCSS
  • TypeScript
  • React Hook Form
  • Zod (for frontend validation)
  • ShadCN UI
  • GitHub Actions


Complete CRUD Operations: Perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations with ease.

Responsive Design: Enjoy a seamless user experience across various devices and screen sizes. (This is not to showcase fancy UI)

Dual Backend Connectivity: Connect to two backends, Express.js or R with plumber.

Azure App Services Deployment: Deploy the MERN stack application on Azure App Services for scalable and secure hosting.

How To Get Started

I have created 3 branches for easy deployment backend - backend code (express) client - frontend code (Vite: React) r-api - R backend web API using plumber documentation

Setup project locally or VM (Ex: Azure VM):

  1. Install MongoDB locally

    • Follow the documentation to install depending on your machine.
    • Download & install MongoDB compass GUI
    • Connect to your database ex: mongodb://localhost:27017/dairy
  2. Setup backend in Node runtime environment.

    • git clone ""
    • make sure branch is "backend" git checkout backend
    • cd backend & create .env
    • npm install
    • start server npm run dev

Setup environment variables


uncomment following code to resolve CORS errors

    origin: process.env.CLIENT_URI,
    optionsSuccessStatus: 200,

Note: Use a postman or similar to test CRUD operations. Ex: localhost:5001/api/milking

  1. Setup frontend code for user interactions:
    • cd into the client folder
    • npm install
    • create .env.development
    • add VITE_API_URL=''or localhost:your_port
    • start npm run dev
    • browse http://localhost:5173/

Note: Deployed version on Azure app services:

  1. Setup backend in R runtime environment for R users: You should have installed r-base or RStudio and assuming that you have all the pre-requisite;
    • git checkout r-api
    • cd into r-backend
    • install install.packages("plumber")
    • create .env file (You can use renv or dotenv)
    • connect to the same database as above
    • run Rscript backend.R
    • install packages like install.packages("mongolite") and other packages if it's not installed directly with script.

environment variables


change these as per your configurations.


You can use a tool like postman or inbuilt Swagger UI ex:

Frontend is the same setup as before and you just have to change environment variables (VITE_API_URL='server_url:port')

Deploy on azure & setup CD

If you're having trouble deploying with GitHub workflows, try removing them, forking the repository, and following the instructions.

  1. Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB setup You can use Azure Data Studio or Azure VS code extensions or Azure Web Portal

    • Log in to my azure and create a resource using free tier
    • Search for Azure Cosmos DB and create Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB
    • Choose Request unit (RU) database account free option
  2. Deploy the Backend (Node.js/Express) to Azure App Service You can use github actions workflow or Azure Portal

    • Create an App Service using create web app with Node.js as a runtime stack
    • Go to resources and deployment center then connect github account
    • Select repository milk-yeild and branch as backend
    • Build provider should be github actions
    • Goto settings -> Environment variables -> add MONGODB_URI & MONGODB_URI_SECONDARY and get the connection string from Azure Cosmos DB (settings -> connection strings)
    • make sure git pull origin backend and check & edit branch & working directory on .github/workflows/backend_milking-yield.yml
          - backend

    Screenshot working directory

        app-name: YourAppServiceName
        slot-name: 'Production'
        publish-profile: ${{ secrets.AZURE_WEBAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE }}
        package: .

Important: Make sure to edit and/or add the connection string to the DB :10255/<YOUR_DB_NAME>?ssl=true otherwise, you won't be able to connect with specific collections.

Note: Test your backend with postman or similar tool before you deploy client

  1. Deploy the Frontend (Vite/React) to Azure Static Web Apps

    • Search for Static Web Apps
    • When you create;
      • Source: Choose GitHub
      • GitHub Repository: milk-yield
      • Branch: client
      • Build Presets: custom
      • App location: client
      • Output location: dist
    • Add backend url under the environment variables VITE_API_URL
    • Make sure to add client url under the variables (step 02 - app services)
    • Enable and add client url for CORS (step 02 - app services)

Click here to test Live DEMO

    azure_static_web_apps_api_token: ${{ secrets.AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN }}
    repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    action: "upload"
    app_location: "./client"
    output_location: "dist"


With the backend and frontend fully integrated into a CI/CD pipeline, every change you make will be seamlessly deployed, allowing you to focus on enhancing your application. This setup not only streamlines your workflow but also gives you the freedom to explore new features, improve existing ones, and scale your app as needed.

This is just the beginning—keep pushing the boundaries of your project and enjoy the process of building something great.

Happy coding!!! 🚀


Here are the links that you can find more informations and documentations.

Contribute to improve

If you have ideas for improvements or need to report an issue, I welcome your contributions! Simply pull the latest changes from the repository, and feel free to submit your suggestions or fixes through a pull request. Your input helps make this project better for everyone. Thank you for contributing!