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An Elixir library for decoding and encoding ArtNet packets.

Art-Net is a protocol for transmitting DMX data over IP networks. It is used in the entertainment industry to control lighting equipment such as dimmers, moving lights, and LED fixtures.

Art-Net 4 specification from Artistic Licence: art-net.pdf


This library provides encode/decode functionality. It does not provide network transfer functionality.

ArtNet Packet Structure

The Art-Net packet structure is as follows:

  0      7 8      9 10    11 12     15
  |  ID    | OpCode | ProtVer|  Data  |
  |            Data                   |


  • ID (8 bytes): The ASCII string "Art-Net\0".
  • OpCode (2 bytes): The operation code (OpCode) identifies the packet type, such as 0x5000 for an ArtDmx packet, and is transmitted in little-endian byte order.
  • ProtVer (2 byte): The protocol version number. The current version is 14. Note that this field is not present in all OpCodes.


The data section contains the payload of the packet. The structure of the data section depends on the OpCode.

ArtNet Packet

The ArtNet.Packet module provides functions for encoding and decoding Art-Net packets.

The ArtNet.Packet.Schema module defines the schema for the Art-Net packet by using the defpacket macro. The schema is used to encode and decode the packet.


The ArtDmx packet is used to transmit DMX data over Art-Net. It is used to control lighting fixtures.


The ArtPoll packet is used to discover Art-Net nodes on the network.


The ArtPollReply packet is used to respond to an ArtPoll packet.

Packet Definitions

The ArtNet.Packet.Schema module provides packet definitions macro. The packet definitions are used to encode and decode the packet. The packet definitions are defined using the defpacket macro.

defmodule ArtNet.Packet.ArtDmx do
  use ArtNet.Packet.Schema

  defpacket do
    field(:sequence, {:integer, 8}, default: 0)
    field(:physical, {:integer, 8}, default: 0)
    field(:sub_universe, {:integer, 8}, default: 0)
    field(:net, {:integer, 8}, default: 0)
    field(:length, {:integer, 16})
    field(:data, [{:integer, 8}])

The defpacket macro defines a packet schema with the specified OpCode. The schema defines the fields of the packet. The fields are defined using the field macro.

The field macro defines a field in the packet schema. The field macro takes the field name, the field type, and optional parameters such as the default value.

The field type is a tuple with the type and the size of the field. The supported field types are :integer, :string, and :binary and EnumTable and BitField.

The ArtNet.Packet.Schema module provides functions for encoding and decoding packets. The encode/1 function encodes the packet, and the decode/1 function decodes the packet.


The EnumTable field type is used to define a field that maps integer values to enum values.

The ArtNet.Packet.EnumTable module provides packet definitions macro. The packet definitions are used to encode and decode the packet. The packet definitions are defined using the defenumtable macro.

defmodule ArtNet.Packet.EnumTable.Priority do
  use ArtNet.Packet.EnumTable

  defenumtable([bit_size: 8],
    dp_all: 0x00,
    dp_low: 0x40,
    dp_med: 0x80,
    dp_high: 0xC0

The defenumtable macro defines the bit size of an enumeration table and the enumeration table. The enumeration table defines atom and value pairs for the field. These pairs are used to encode and decode.


The BitField field type is used to define a field that maps an integer, boolean, or EnumTable type to a bit field.

The ArtNet.Packet.BitField module provides packet definitions macro. The packet definitions are used to encode and decode the packet. The packet definitions are defined using the defbitfield macro.

defmodule ArtNet.Packet.BitField.TalkToMe do
  use ArtNet.Packet.BitField

  defbitfield bit_size: 8 do
    field(:reply_on_change, :boolean, offset: 1)
    field(:diagnostics, :boolean)
    field(:diag_unicast, :boolean)
    field(:vlc, :boolean)

The defbitfield macro defines the bit size of a bit field and the fields of the bit field. The fields are defined using the field macro.

The field macro defines a field in the bit field. The field macro takes the field name, the field type, and optional parameters such as the offset.

The field type is a tuple with the type and the size of the field. The supported field types are :integer, :boolean, and EnumTable. The EnumTable field type is used to define a field that maps integer values to enum values. Offset Option is used to define the bit offset of the field.

Packet Validation

The ArtNet.Packet.Schema module provides functions for validating packets. The validate/1 function validates the packet schema.

If you need to define your own validation, add the validate/1 function. It is evaluated at decode/encode time in addition to the schema validation.

The validate/1 function returns :ok if the packet is valid and {:error, reason} if the packet is invalid.


For a simple example of using this library, see the LiveBook example notebook.

Packet Encode

The ArtNet.encode/1 function encodes an Art-Net packet.

packet = %ArtNet.Packet.ArtDmx{
  sequence: 0,
  physical: 0,
  sub_universe: 0,
  net: 0,
  length: 512,
  data:, fn _ -> 0 end)

{:ok, _binary} = ArtNet.encode(packet)

The ArtNet.encode!/1 function encodes an Art-Net packet and raises an error if the encoding fails.

Packet Decode

The ArtNet.decode/1 function decodes an Art-Net packet.

data =, fn _ -> 0xFF end)
binary = <<0x41, 0x72, 0x74, 0x2D, 0x4E, 0x65, 0x74, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00>> <> Enum.into(data, <<>>, & <<&1>>)
    sequence: 1,
    physical: 0,
    sub_universe: 0,
    net: 0,
    length: 512,
    data: ^data
  }} = ArtNet.decode(binary)

The ArtNet.decode!/1 function decodes an Art-Net packet and raises an error if the decoding fails.

Supported Art-Net OpCodes

  • ArtPoll (0x2000): Discover Art-Net nodes.
  • ArtPollReply (0x2100): Respond to an ArtPoll packet.
  • ArtDmx (0x5000): Transmit DMX data.


def deps do
    {:art_net, "~> 0.1.0", github: "nasshu2916/artnet_ex", branch: "master"}


An Art-Net library for Elixir








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