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Best Practice

Yu Ohama / Midori edited this page Feb 24, 2025 · 38 revisions

Use try-catch

Use try-catch in production code. Gal throws a GalException if an error occurs while saving media. You can get a message for each type with GalException.type.message.

try {
  await Gal.putImage($path);
} on GalException catch (e) {

enum GalExceptionType {

  String get message => switch (this) {
        accessDenied => 'You do not have permission to access the gallery app.',
        notEnoughSpace => 'Not enough space for storage.',
        notSupportedFormat => 'Unsupported file formats.',
        unexpected => 'An unexpected error has occurred.',

putImage vs putImageBytes

putImage requires a temporary file, but is safe because the extension of that file and the output file will always be the same.

putImageBytes does not require a temporary file, but instead the extension is automatically determined by the OS. In many cases this will not be a problem, but minorities should be aware of this if they wish to specify an extension or OS.

Feature putImage putImageBytes
File Type Same as input Auto detect
Temporary file Necessary Unnecessary