This project aims to detect seizures in patients by analyzing raw EEG data. The data comprises of 23 EEG channels per subject, based on the 10-20 EEG sensor placement guide. The goal is to preprocess, filter, extract features, and classify the data to determine seizure events accurately.
- 23 EEG channels (sensors) per subject based on the 10-20 EEG sensor placement guide
- Sampling rate: 256 samples per second
- Resolution: 16-bit per sample
- Naming convention: EEG_subjectXXX.mat
- 1 normal subject who did not suffer from a seizure at any time (EEG_subject000.mat)
- 19 subjects who have at least one seizure event (EEG_subject001.mat to EEG_subject020.mat)
Channels 'FP1-F7', 'FP1-F3', 'FP2-F4', 'FT9-FT10', 'FT10-T8' were most expressive in regards to certain features.
- Root Mean Square (RMS)
- Linear Discriminant Analysis Classifier
- 10-fold Cross-Validation