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Offirmo edited this page Feb 21, 2011 · 15 revisions

Traditionally with pointers you’ll have a method, like attach_function :GetForeGroundWindow, [ ], :pointer
What this returns to you is a pointer that, probably, some other library is managing. You don’t need to release this pointer or anything.

To create your own pointer, do something like ptr = # 4 bytes worth of memory
It will be freed when it is GC’ed or you call free.

ptr.address is the address it points at.
To copy some other pointer, it’s another_ptr = ptr

A pointer is merely a Fixnum that holds a native memory address, so there is no need to do anything special to “copy” a pointer – just assign it to a like you would any other Fixnum. Think of “Pointer” as “fixnum with methods to read/write the native memory at the address”.

Handing off memory to external libraries

Some situations will require allocating native memory and handing off that buffer to an external library. The external library then handles the lifecycle of that buffer including eventually freeing it.

Wrap libc and use its malloc and free functions to allocate and free native memory.

module LibC
  extend FFI::Library
  ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC
  # memory allocators
  attach_function :malloc, [:size_t], :pointer
  attach_function :calloc, [:size_t], :pointer
  attach_function :valloc, [:size_t], :pointer
  attach_function :realloc, [:pointer, :size_t], :pointer
  attach_function :free, [:pointer], :void
  # memory movers
  attach_function :memcpy, [:pointer, :pointer, :size_t], :pointer
  attach_function :bcopy, [:pointer, :pointer, :size_t], :void
end # module LibC

In the ruby code, calls to these functions will return FFI::Pointers. Use the methods defined on FFI::Pointer to move data from ruby memory to native memory.

foo = "a ruby string"
bar = 3.14159
baz = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

buffer1 = LibC.malloc foo.size
buffer1.write_string foo

buffer2 = LibC.malloc bar.size
buffer2.write_float bar

# all of the array elements need to be the same type
# meaning you can't mix ints, floats, strings, etc.
buffer3 = LibC.malloc(baz.first.size * baz.size)
buffer3.write_array_of_int baz


The FFI::MemoryPointer class allocates native memory with automatic garbage collection as a sweetener. When a MemoryPointer goes out of scope, the memory is freed up as part of the garbage collection process.

The MemoryPointer constructor takes 3 arguments: size, count and clear. The size argument is a symbol type that determines the number of bytes to allocate. The size argument can also be any object that responds to size in which case it will allocate that specific number of bytes. The count argument is a multiplier for size; it will allocate size * count bytes of memory. Lastly, the clear argument tells the memory allocator to zero/initialize the memory when true, skip initialization when false.

The block form of MemoryPointer is also useful for automatically freeing the pointer when finished., baz.size) do |p|

String pointer

a pointer into a ruby string:

FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string('some string')


How to manage out parameter?
See: Example