Server-side fabric mod. Addition to the Pebble's Minecraft mod series. Generate a clickable live poll with scoreboard update.
Supported versions: Fabric 1.19.2
Ensure that you have Fabric Language Kotlin (atleast 1.8.20) installed. Mod page:
Running a Minecraft server, I often find myself having to go to Discord to create polls that is sometimes only relevant to people who are online in-game now. So I have decided to create this polling system with live update. You can have 1 live poll at a time. Currently you need to be an operator to use the poll.
/pebblespoll create
/pebblespoll time
(in minutes)
/pebblespoll options option1, option2, option3, ....
After creating options, the poll will start. Everyone can either click the choice in chat or type:
/pebblespoll vote <option_number>
To forcefully bring a poll to an end:
/pebblespoll end
To clear the scoreboard
/pebblespoll clear