My name is Nawal Reza and I am a B.S Computer Science Student at Georgia Tech.
Graduation Year: Spring 2025
Concentration: Intelligence and Modeling & Simulation
Career Interests: Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
Current Courses (Fall 2024 Courses):
- CS 3600 - Intro to Artificial Intelligence
- CS 4476 - Intro to Computer Vision
Completed Courses:
- CS 1301 - Intro to Computing
- CS 1331 - Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
- MATH 1554 - Linear Algebra
- CS 1332 - Data Structures and Algorithms
- MATH 2550 - Intro to Multi-Variable Calculus
- CS 2110 - Computer Organization and Programming
- CS 2050 - Intro to Discrete Math
- MATH 2552 - Differential Equations
- ISYE 3770 - Statistics & Applications
- CS 3510 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 2200 - Systems and Networks
- CX 4230 - Computer Simulation
- CS 4400 - Intro to Database Systems
- CX 4220 - Intro to High-Performance Computing
- CS 4641 - Machine Learning
Projects that I Have Done/Contributed To:
- CS 4641 ML Project: https://nawal-r2002.github.io/Cortical_Activity_Study/final/
After My Coursework, I am interested in learning more about the applications of Deep Learning.