Releases: nbauma109/jd-core-v0
Releases · nbauma109/jd-core-v0
- acac90c: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (release-bot)
- e4126e4: Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.1 to 3.11.0 (#175) (dependabot[bot]) #175
- 21a2018: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.1 to 1.2023.2 (#176) (dependabot[bot]) #176
- 0e78cde: This dot val dollar (#177) (nbauma109) #177
- Tests a corner case of foreach array pattern. (#178) #178 (nbauma109)
- cbf67ff: comment ThisDotValDollarInLambdaTest (nbauma109)
- 7da656e: bug fix for boolean array falsely evaluated to byte array (#179) (nbauma109) #179
- 9cf2f99: Diamond operator and type arguments (#180) (nbauma109) #180
- bug fix hex long and ternary op (#181) #181 (nbauma109)
- b82c4f4: bug fixes for casts (remove/update), varargs, ternaryop in ternaryop (#183) (nbauma109) #183
- 0a986e9: added BooleanUtilsTest : bug fix for switch case with block (#184) (nbauma109) #184
- 1f0a56c: bug fix: duplicate local variable (#185) (nbauma109) #185
- 81f55f4: do not use classpath to resolve types (#186) (nbauma109) #186
- 99ac4cb: typos in comments (nbauma109)
- 8ed717b: typo in comment (nbauma109)
- d09b8ad: layouter fix: fields without line number first (#187) (nbauma109) #187
- 5a7ac64: use type argument visitor (#188) (nbauma109) #188
- bce7e98: restore layout coverage (nbauma109)
- f86f84b: added fix for cast to generics and tests (#189) (nbauma109) #189
- 5b8fe76: fix typo (nbauma109)
- f019e05: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.2 to 1.2023.4 (#182) (dependabot[bot]) #182
- bba0f4b: various fixes around ClassUtils (#190) (nbauma109) #190
- c00ffd2: added impoer of type argument inner class (#191) (nbauma109) #191
- 4d82eb8: added cast instructions (#192) (nbauma109) #192
- 78b73c0: deserialize implemented interfaces (nbauma109)
- 20a2b61: added @OverRide annotations (#193) (nbauma109) #193
- f2f2dde: remove unnecessary parenthesis in complex if expressions (#194) (nbauma109) #194
- e330c3e: fine-tune casts to generics (#195) (nbauma109) #195
- 75a9b9e: improve varargs (#196) (nbauma109) #196
- d8c19ba: fix cast to long (#197) (nbauma109) #197
- 8a09c1e: fix for boolean array getfield (#198) (nbauma109) #198
- af63ac3: fix for access$ get field with increment (#199) (nbauma109) #199
- 3a8547a: added IterableUtilsTest for val$ field (#200) (nbauma109) #200
- 2d19aaf: Bump maven-release-plugin from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.0.0 (#201) (dependabot[bot]) #201
- ebb1e7f: Cast wildcard (#202) (nbauma109) #202
- a000acc: bug fix for local variable re-declaration (#203) (nbauma109) #203
- 590b856: fix indentation (nbauma109)
- 55b6d57: added more override annotations (#204) (nbauma109) #204
- 59b9ba4: exclude static from @OverRide (#205) (nbauma109) #205
- afc0385: bug fix for stringbuxxxer (#206) (nbauma109) #206
- 83000a6: add missing cast and test (#207) (nbauma109) #207
- 8a7c028: Removed TYPE_118_FINALLY_2 (nbauma109)
- 42202c9: added PathVisitorFileFilterTest - ternaryop and line number fix (#208) (nbauma109) #208
- bbfd1d4: bug fix: return should not be in try /!\ removed a lot of unnecessary code /!\ (#209) (nbauma109) #209
- c95d3f4: refactored override annotations and removed redundant code (#210) (nbauma109) #210
- 767e187: removed useless null checks (#211) (nbauma109) #211
- 96c2b1b: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.4 to 1.2023.5 (#212) (dependabot[bot]) #212
- 88c6674: fix declaration in for loop (#213) (nbauma109) #213
- extract duplicated code to a new method (nbauma109)
- d736979: refactoring (nbauma109)
- 278657c: additional switch test cases (#215) (nbauma109) #215
- daeca67: Update (nbauma109)
- 03dcf23: fix exception in TernaryOpReconstructor (#217) (nbauma109) #217
- 78daffb: Revert "removed useless null checks (#211)" (nbauma109)
- 40732d4: Revert "Revert "removed useless null checks (#211)"" (nbauma109)
- fd19b33: test null classFile in getReturnedSignature (#218) (nbauma109) #218
- 8a1573a: bug fix writeGetField inside anonymous class (nbauma109)
- 8a52318: Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.8 to 0.8.9 (#219) (dependabot[bot]) #219
- 87849ca: handle case of outer increment getstatic (#220) (nbauma109) #220
- f385138: null check (nbauma109)
- 4cdffa9: fix access$ in lambda (#221) (nbauma109) #221
- 3cefdb1: fix java lang class name clash (#222) (nbauma109) #222
- f389df5: fix bad import (#223) (nbauma109) #223
- ad41849: fixed more class name clashes (#224) (nbauma109) #224
- 773739b: removed FIXME (nbauma109)
- 0714058: use optionals (nbauma109)
- 2fe6488: fix for malformatted lambda (#225) (nbauma109) #225
- 4425120: line number on end block cannot be known (#226) (nbauma109) #226
- 4312b71: removed wrong code for try/catch (nbauma109)
- 802e10a: fix for try resources special cases (#227) (nbauma109) #227
- d8dbbb0: Fix declare local variable in assignment (#228) (nbauma109) #228
- e8241d5: fix comment (nbauma109)
- 0d5b40d: Merge branch 'master' of (nbauma109)
- eedd8bc: ExceptionLoad rewrite (nbauma109)
- 103397f: Bugfix foreach in catch (#229) (nbauma109) #229
- a42cdcc: RuntimeException is unchecked (nbauma109)
- 86a9597: added missing declarations (#230) (nbauma109) #230
- 2745f9a: use Objects.requireNonNull (nbauma109)
- 0debf08: Checkcast store putfield bug fix (#231) (nbauma109) #231
- 2bad80d: handle generic exceptions in method signature (#232) (nbauma109) #232
- 166de72: fix concurrency issue (nbauma109)
- c230a73: add cast on throw (#233) (nbauma109) #233
- 596248d: fix wrong local variable declaration (#234) (nbauma109) #234
- 82ef364: remove unused code (nbauma109)
- f319a2c: fix missing generic cast on local variable (#235) (nbauma109) #235
- b217e18: NPE fix: null -> method.getLocalVariables() (nbauma109)
- 6bbd164: no override annotation on abstract methods (nbauma109)
- e60aea7: fix import clash of inner classes (#236) (nbauma109) #236
- 2f97cf0: cast on return fix (#237) (nbauma109) #237
- f059cb6: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.5 to 1.2023.6 (#238) (dependabot[bot]) #238
- 937f035: removed FIXME in StringUtilsTest (nbauma109)
- 79945d0: Merge branch 'master' of (nbauma109)
- f220f4c: added StoreReturnAnalyzer : compact store/return (#239) (nbauma109) #239
- 7f56972: source cleanup refactoring (#240) (nbauma109) #240
- 9fe35b6: Fix ternaryop initarray (#241) (nbauma109) #241
- 03b2d63: fix write putfield (nbauma109)
- 025ff14: fix parenthesis b...
- 40fa74b: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (release-bot) #21
- 9d2cb24: added test for try catch finally (nbauma109) #24
- 3be8289: fix try/catch test (nbauma109) #25
- 218d56e: added enum switch test (nbauma109) #26
- 315cc3b: added tests for switch and try resources (nbauma109) #27
- 00b0256: for each with anonymous class (nbauma109) #28
- 3f1996b: for each non static (nbauma109) #28
- 43fa1c8: Anonymous Consumer only works with Object (nbauma109) #28
- 7230056: added IndexOf test (nbauma109) #29
- 88f5451: remove unnecessary method (nbauma109)
- b181fea: added test for bridge method (nbauma109) #30
- 49b5c68: added test Outer (nbauma109) #31
- 4c3703f: new line at EOF (nbauma109) #31
- 4753a92: bug fix for call to inner class constructor (nbauma109) #32
- 68a61de: annotation tests (nbauma109) #33
- fa25450: new line at EOF (nbauma109) #33
- 872a140: parameter annotation test (nbauma109) #34
- 5b75eb7: added array creation tests (nbauma109) #35
- fb7fa94: added test for try-catch-finally compiled with jikes (nbauma109) #36
- 910b918: try-catch-finally-javac-17.0.4 (nbauma109) #37
- 2267635: codecov options (nbauma109) #37
- bcaff7c: added synchronized test for jikes (nbauma109) #38
- ab5b3e9: updated MonitorSynchronized test (nbauma109) #39
- c921c20: updated TryCatchFinallyBRTest with javac-1.4.2_19 (nbauma109) #40
- fc77afb: added tests with novars for jdk 1.2 and1.3 (nbauma109) #42
- 3982144: added deprecated class/member tests (nbauma109) #43
- 083918f: added LocalVariablesTest (nbauma109) #44
- 520aef4: test foreach SUN JDK 1.5 and 1.6 (nbauma109) #45
- aad90c4: added bytecode writer test (nbauma109) #46
- f04a229: added dotclass jdk1.4 tests (nbauma109) #47
- 0764928: coverage and bug fix for DotClass118AReconstructor (nbauma109) #48
- 3312f95: coverage and bug fix for synchronized (nbauma109) #50
- c74f2db: coverage and bug fix for try with synchronized JDK 1.1 (nbauma109) #51
- 81d162d: remove empty line (nbauma109) #51
- 3d24db2: fix regression (nbauma109) #51
- 5018532: comment out unused code (nbauma109) #51
- 74f5d92: Fix UnsupportedOperationException on method/constructor references (nbauma109) #52
- aa55c9f: Bug fix for static final empty map (#53) (nbauma109) #53
- Test for CHECKCAST. (#54) #54 (nbauma109)
- bd9f3b6: added test for break/continue (#55) (nbauma109) #55
- A test for compact store / return. (#56) #56 (nbauma109)
- Test for exception aggregation. (#57) #57 (nbauma109)
- duplicate variable declaration bug fix. (#58) #58 (nbauma109)
- 5fc5c95: fix comments (nbauma109) #62
- 1bd66bb: Merge branch 'master' of (nbauma109) #62
- a2c6cdc: added test for jdk javac try/finally (#59) (nbauma109) #59
- 4a2ab82: added bug fix and unit test for try resources (#60) (nbauma109) #60
- 06ee71c: TimedSemaphoreTest for FastInstructionListBuilder.createContinue(). (nbauma109) #65
- 614b760: added missing expected result (nbauma109) #65
- dd9cf74: added testJavac180 to MonitorSynchronizedTest (nbauma109) #66
- Test for FastCodeExceptionAnalyzer.formatCatch(). #67 (nbauma109)
- 164954c: added MultiCatchTest (nbauma109) #68
- 3a7fa90: bug fix : duplicate local variable declaration (nbauma109)
- 04ace52: Bump plexus-compiler-eclipse from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0 (dependabot[bot]) #70
- 6c8f194: Update pom.xml (nbauma109) #70
- 1702da9: added bug fix and unit test for NPE on if with null instructions (nbauma109) #71
- 7edea4a: delete unused class (nbauma109) #71
- 70029fa: NPE fix (nbauma109)
- 79c66f6: unit test cases for loop patterns (nbauma109)
- 70608c7: added StrBuilderTest for unoptimize loop. (nbauma109)
- bf81d1a: added inner class test jdk1.4.2 (nbauma109)
- b6fb34d: Updated tests for jdk1.4.2 inner classes (nbauma109)
- 889c1e1: added test for FieldNameGenerator (nbauma109)
- ceaa1b1: added MethodUtilsTest (nbauma109)
- dcdc687: MethodUtils->MethodBean (nbauma109)
- 34b7454: NPE fix (nbauma109)
- 3803619: added PrimitiveTypesTest (nbauma109)
- 9a3ca6c: bug fix and test for DotClass14/118A - removed 118B (IBM) and Eclipse (nbauma109)
- d24c31d: added LabelledBreaksTest: Test for labelled breaks. (nbauma109)
- 1b6ff1b: added tests for try-catch-finaly for ecj (nbauma109)
- e61eaa8: removed failing test (nbauma109)
- 5b3d89d: added dotclass ecj test (nbauma109)
- c199990: re-added DotClass118B for ECJ (nbauma109)
- 8b18f2f: added TryFinally test for jdk 1.2 and 1.3, jdk 1.4 and 1.8 (#73) (nbauma109) #73
- edd42fc: init test for unsuppoted record (nbauma109)
- fb4daa1: Merge branch 'master' of (nbauma109)
- e82ee42: bytecode test for lookup switch (nbauma109)
- 09ef32c: added realignmentLineNumber in AbstractTestCase (nbauma109)
- 870d359: added LayoutTest (nbauma109)
- 7d92e2a: added test TernaryOp and bug fix for try/resource and pre-inc (#74) (nbauma109) #74
- 7ae71d9: Outer getstatic test (#75) (nbauma109) #75
- cfe2483: Outer reference test (#77) (nbauma109) #77
- df1e0a1: Bytecode writer tests (#78) (nbauma109) #78
- f5fb2bf: Re-format comments (nbauma109)
- 63521c4: Assignment reconstructor test (#80) (nbauma109) #80
- 944d6b5: Update Assignment tests (#82) (nbauma109) #82
- 9b60acc: Update Assignment tests (#83) (nbauma109) #83
- 147919c: Create CompareInstructionTest (nbauma109) #84
- 4ebb63a: Rename CompareInstructionTest to (nbauma109) #84
- c7c9fc2: Update (nbauma109) #84
- 69cf02e: Update (nbauma109) #84
- 26c39c6: Update (nbauma109) #84
- fda9429: Create CompareInstruction (nbauma109) #84
- 0d19ed0: Update (nbauma109) #84
- 5fde68c: Rename CompareInstruction to (nbauma109) #84
- 783c235: Update (nbauma109) #84
- e6e1730: Update CompareI...
- d56fab3: Bump maven-source-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 (dependabot[bot]) #7
- 931af09: Bump maven-release-plugin from 3.0.0-M5 to 3.0.0-M6 (dependabot[bot]) #7
- 2955c73: Bump maven-jar-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 (dependabot[bot]) #7
- b37efec: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (release-bot)
- 3bd11b8: update code sample (nbauma109)
- 9d68fe7: Bump jd-util from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11 (dependabot[bot]) #7
- 380a71e: [no ci] updated dependabots time (nbauma109)
- 5438b33: Merge dependabot/maven/com.github.nbauma109-jd-util-1.1.11 into combine-prs-branch (github-actions[bot]) #7
- 7df5a90: Merge dependabot/maven/org.apache.maven.plugins-maven-jar-plugin-3.3.0 into combine-prs-branch (github-actions[bot]) #7
- b1eb6dd: Merge dependabot/maven/org.apache.maven.plugins-maven-release-plugin-3.0.0-M6 into combine-prs-branch (github-actions[bot]) #7
- f40d44a: Merge dependabot/maven/org.apache.maven.plugins-maven-source-plugin-3.2.1 into combine-prs-branch (github-actions[bot]) #7
- e755aad: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.8.12 (release-bot)
- ce60d09: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (release-bot)
- 1fe8bc8: [no ci] created dependabot.yml (nbauma109)
- 174c040: [no ci] maven release not to be run on PR (nbauma109)
- 98dec33: [no ci] created combine-prs.yml (nbauma109)
- e4f99a4: fix printer, code sample and prepare for test (nbauma109)
- 1cc9f42: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.8.11 (release-bot)