Rust and wasm library to extract rdf statements (in n-triples format) from an html file based on rdfa annotations.
use graph_rdfa_processor::RdfaGraph;
let html = r#"
<div prefix="foaf:" about="" rel="foaf:knows">
<p about="" typeof="foaf:Person" property="foaf:name">Dan Brickley</p>
let base = "";
let well_known_prefix = Some("");
RdfaGraph::parse_str(html, base, well_known_prefix).unwrap()
<script type="module">
import init, {html_to_rdfa} from "./rdfa-wasm/pkg/rdfa_wasm.js";
async function run() {
await init();
let html =`
<div prefix="foaf:" about="" rel="foaf:knows">
<p about="" typeof="foaf:Person" property="foaf:name">Dan Brickley</p>
let base = "";
let well_known_prefix = "";
let res = html_to_rdfa(html, base, well_known_prefix);
used RDFa/Play for comparing.
The plan is to make as much tests as possible, and fix the bugs along the way.
- White space not preserved. See test 0329.