A super simple Wordpress plugin that provides a super simple cookie bar notice.
- Updated Wordpress (5.3) and PHP (7.4) support tags in readme.txt.
- First wordpress.org release
- Changed prefixes from "ncb_" to "sscb_"
- Fixed sanitisation issue when using wire theme
- Plugin rename to "Super Simple Cookie Bar"
- text-domain changed to "super-simple-cookie-bar"
- Hosted CSS and JS locally
- Fixed some php notices found on first install
- text-domain changed to "super-simple-cookie-bar-by-ncompass"
- Added function headers etc for wordpress.org compliance
- Added wordpress.org readme.txt
- Added uninstall script
- Added choice for locally hosted assets or jsdeliver
- Added data validation and sanitisation
- Switch to Yoda Conditions
- Improved code readbility and formatting
- Fixed WPML string translation on Learn More Link text
- Moved data collection outside init() building.
- Added wordpress localisation to settings Page.
- Added WPML string translation Compatibility to input user data.
- Added WPML permalink filter to learn more link href field
- Added theme setting.
- Added message setting.
- Added Dismiss text setting.
- Added learn more text and link settings.
- Added placeholders to fields to show default setting or example setting.
- Improved default settings resilience
- Added position setting
- Added defaults when no value set
- Implemented Settings Link on Plugin Page
- Initial Release