One simple example to learn about ROS1
Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS Noetic
- Option I: Using a VM on Windows
- Option II: Using Docker
- Option III: Dual Boot! (There are lots of resources out there, and this is the most difficult option among the three. Choose with caution)
Some of the above option might already contain installation steps for ROS Noetic, but if not, here is the official installation document
- create a workspace and its source folder
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash (source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.zsh)
$ catkin_make
$ cd src
$ git clone [email protected]:ne-v0y/ROS-tutorial.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash (source devel/setup.zsh)
- go to
, there are a few TODOs in the file, you need to create publisher and subscriber - to check your publisher is working, use command
rostopic list
to check see all live topics - to check your publisher is publishing content, use
rostopic echo
to check published content - to visualize bounding box, ues command
and in a new terminal run static tf publisher. UseAdd
on the left bottom coner to addby topic
and chooseMarker
, you should be able to see the following outcome
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 map my_frame 10
- another way to run multiple nodes in one command is using
. I have added an example file, but put a bug on purpose. Can you figure it out? 😉