Kotta is a intuitive framework designed to simplify interaction with MongoDB in Kotlin.
- Seamless MongoDB integration: Kotta provides an easy-to-use abstraction for common MongoDB operations such as inserting, updating and querying documents. It is very inspired by Exposed and NestJS Mongo
- Extensible and Flexible: The framework is designed to be easily extendable, allowing you to add your own functionalities or adapt existing ones to fit your needs.
@Index("name", unique = true)
@Index("email", unique = true)
@Index("user_age", unique = true)
data class User(
@Property("name", required = true) val name: String,
@Property("user_age", required = true) val age: Int,
@Property("email") val email: String
class UserCollection(database: MongoDatabase): KottaCollection<User>(User::class, database) {
suspend fun findByEmail(email: String) = findBy("email" eq email)
suspend fun save(user: User) = insert(user)
suspend fun printUserEmail(collection: UserCollection) {
val user = collection.findByEmail("[email protected]") ?: return
println("Email: ${user.email}")