Code and data for analysis of data from NCBI PubMed.
- adverbs: code and data for the blog post Interestingly: the sentence adverbs of PubMed Central
- commons: code and data for the blog post An analysis of contributions to PubMed Commons
- novelty: code and data for the blog post Novelty: an update
- omics: code and data for the blog post -omics in 2013
- retractions: code and data for my retracted article report
- software_names: code and data for the blog post Searching for duplicate resource names in PMC article titles
- turnaround: code and data for the blog post Bioinformatics journals: time from submission to acceptance, revisited
- oa_growth: code and data for the blog post on open access growth Counting things is hard for a given value of “things”