Deployment of the cluster consist of two main phases:
- Deployment of infra and k0s on top of this infra.
- Deployment of applications on top of k0s cluster.
In order to deploy the cluster on AWS:
to be installed.- Obtain user credentials and set them as environment variables.
- Clone this repo to your machine.
- Set infra variable according to your environment and use case in
(it can be done easily by copyinginfra/terraform/aws/terraform.tfvars.example
in the same folder).
To deploy infra and k0s, execute following commands:
cd $GIT_ROOT/infra/aws
terraform apply -auto-approve
Here you need to wait a bit for domain name of newly created LB for the cluster to be propagated, otherwise you'll face connectivity issue. If you face this issue, just try to execute k0sctl
related commands one more time.
terraform output -raw k0sctl_yaml | k0sctl apply --config -
terraform output -raw k0sctl_yaml | k0sctl kubeconfig --config - > kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=$GIT_ROOT/infra/aws/kubeconfig
Once k0s cluster is deployed, we can proceed to applications deployment
kubectl apply -k apps/argocd
kubectl apply -k apps/utility
Here you need to wait again for ArgoCD pods to be up and running (you can check it by executing kubectl get pods -n argocd
). Then, when all ArgoCD pods are healthy, execute:
k apply -f apps/apps.yaml
To destroy the cluster, run:
GIT_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
kubectl delete -f $GIT_ROOT/apps/apps.yaml
cd $GIT_ROOT/infra/aws
terraform destroy -auto-approve