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A dbt project setup locally with duckdb for analysis

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DuckDB & dbt Local Analysis

This project makes use of duckdb and dbt to run analytics locally.

  • DuckDB is a super fast in-memory columnar data store that works great with CSV, JSON, Parquet and remote object stores like S3.
  • dbt (data build tool) is a data processing framework for build and testing models and documenting your data.
  • dbt-duckdb adapter is the adapter used in this project to facilitate that communication between duckdb and dbt - created by Josh Wills
  • The data used in this project is from Brooklyn Data

Project Structure

├── data
├── dbt
├── duckdb
└── requirements.txt
  • is this file which contains some setup and general instructions
  • /data contains all csv files related to Brooklyn Data
  • /dbt contains all dbt project files and configs
  • /duckdb contains the necesary duckdb files and setup information
  • requirements.txt contains all necessary dependencies to make things work

dbt Project Structure

The dbt project is set up as follows: raw > staging > warehouse > reporting

  • Raw: 1:1 raw selection of data from the source
  • Staging: 1:1 select of data from the raw layer - data cleaning and conforming can happen here if necessary
  • Warehouse: dimensional/fact modeling as per Kimball/Inmon
  • Reporting: aggregations of the previous layers to roll things up to different granularities

dbt Test Storage

dbt test results are stored in duckdb via configs in dbt_project.yml

CI/CD - Linting

This project makes use of SQLFluff linting to validate code-consistency. There is a Github Actions workflow setup to perform CICD that will automatically look for changed files in the dbt/models/ directory and automatically run SQLFLuff if necessary.

See: ./github/workflows/ci.yml


Set up a python virtual environment. From the root:
python -m venv .venv

Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install the duckdb cli and add to your path
See: ./duckdb/

Delete the existing duckdb database if it exists
rm ./duckdb/database.duckdb

Run the dbt project This will import all data from CSVs, build the raw, staging, warehouse and reporting layers and run all tests
cd dbt
dbt deps
dbt debug
dbt build

Query the database
From the duckdb directory:
cd duckdb
duckdb database.duckdb
SELECT * FROM rpt_final_order_summary;


dbt build dbt build

duckdb show all tables duckdb show all tables

duckdb select from rpt_final_order_summary model duckdb select from final


  • There are a number of orders which do not have any line items
    • These should be filtered out
  • Do we only want to report on orders that are not in ('unavailable', 'canceled')?
    • Making the assumption that we don't want these


  • Could flesh out the data model more - more dims/facts
  • Add even more tests, especially around timestamps
    • did timestamps in two related fields happen in the right order
    • Are they all populated
  • Some models could be made incremental IF the data were to get larger - no need to reprocess records from years ago if they haven't changed ($$).
  • Add a macro that records the timestamp at which a record is modified by dbt
    • This doesn't really matter in our case since everything is getting re-generated on each run but it does matter when you start getting into incremental models and it helps greatly with troubleshooting.
  • Run the outputs through a visualization tool to ensure sanity - does it pass the eyeball test? Rill Developer?
  • Split all of the models up into their own schemas - for ease I just kept them in the same schema.
    • Run SHOW ALL TABLES; on duckdb
  • Create a Makefile so the project is easy to develop on


A dbt project setup locally with duckdb for analysis






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