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GraphGist Portal v3

This project was started with GRANDstack (GraphQL, React, Apollo, Neo4j Database). There are two components for the portal:

  • ui-react: the UI application in React
  • api: the API application (GraphQL server)


GraphQL API diagram

Local install


  • Node.js 12 (lts/erbium)
  • Docker and docker-compose

Run GraphGist portal

Create a copy of ui-react/.env-example and api/.env-example within the same directory using the name .env.

cp ./ui-react/.env-example ./ui-react/.env
cp ./api/.env-example ./api/.env

Using Docker Compose

Using docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

This will take some time on the first run. Once the containers have been started, you can check the log to check if the UI is up and running using:

docker logs -f graphgist-portal-ui

The docker-compose up -d will start 3 services:

Using npm

npm i --prefix ui-react
npm i --prefix api

It's recommanded to run the database using Docker to use a compatible version with the Neo4j APOC library enabled:

docker-compose run --service-ports neo4j

Once the database is up and running, open a new terminal and execute:

npm run start --prefix api

Open a third terminal and execute:

npm run start --prefix ui-react

Switch to admin

Once you've created an account, you can manually update the associated user to become an admin using the following Cypher query:

MATCH (p:User {email: '[email protected]'})
SET p.admin = true


This is currently deployed to Heroku, since this repository contains both API and UI repository we need to individually push each one, to achieve that we can create a subtree branch with only that specific folder:


For API:

git subtree split --prefix api -b heroku-api

This will make the heroku-api branch hold only the api folder.

Then we can deploy our local heroku-api to heroku master:

heroku git:remote -r remote-api -a graphgist-portal-v3
git push -f remote-api heroku-api:master