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stefano-ottolenghi committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent f9a7d8a commit 5ecf10a
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 132 deletions.
226 changes: 94 additions & 132 deletions dotnet-manual/modules/ROOT/partials/quickstart.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,86 +1,69 @@
The Neo4j Java driver is the official library to interact with a Neo4j instance through a Java application.
The Neo4j .NET driver is the official library to interact with a Neo4j instance through a .NET application.

At the hearth of Neo4j lies <<Cypher>>, the query language to interact with a Neo4j database.
While this guide does not _require_ you to be a seasoned Cypher querier, it is going to be easier to focus on the Java-specific bits if you already know some Cypher.
While this guide does not _require_ you to be a seasoned Cypher querier, it is going to be easier to focus on the .NET-specific bits if you already know some Cypher.
For this reason, although this guide does _also_ provide a gentle introduction to Cypher along the way, consider checking out link:{neo4j-docs-base-uri}/getting-started/cypher-intro/[Getting started -> Cypher] for a more detailed walkthrough of graph databases modelling and querying if this is your first approach.
You may then apply that knowledge while following this guide to develop your Java application.
You may then apply that knowledge while following this guide to develop your .NET application.

== Installation

Add the Neo4j Java driver to the list of dependencies in the `pom.xml` of your Maven project:
Add the Neo4j .NET driver to your project:

[source, xml, subs="attributes+"]
[source, bash]
dotnet add package Neo4j.Driver

The driver supports the .NET Standard 2.0.

xref:install#install-driver[More info on installing the driver ->]

== Connect to the database

Connect to a database by creating a <<Driver>> object and providing a URL and an authentication token.
Once you have a `Driver` instance, use the `.verifyConnectivity()` method to ensure that a working connection can be established.
Connect to a database by creating an <<IDriver>> object and providing a URL and an authentication token.
Once you have a `IDriver` instance, use the `.VerifyConnectivityAsync()` method to ensure that a working connection can be established.

[source, java, role=nocollapse]
[source, csharp]
package demo;
import org.neo4j.driver.AuthTokens;
import org.neo4j.driver.GraphDatabase;
public class App {
public static void main(String... args) {
using Neo4j.Driver;
// URI examples: "neo4j://localhost", "neo4j+s://"
final String dbUri = "<URI for Neo4j database>";
final String dbUser = "<Username>";
final String dbPassword = "<Password>";
// URI examples: "neo4j://localhost", "neo4j+s://"
const string dbUri = "<URI for Neo4j database>";
const string dbUser = "<Username>";
const string dbPassword = "<Password>";
try (var driver = GraphDatabase.driver(dbUri, AuthTokens.basic(dbUser, dbPassword))) {
System.out.println("Connection established.");
await using var driver = GraphDatabase.Driver(dbUri, AuthTokens.Basic(dbUser, dbPassword));
await driver.VerifyConnectivityAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Connection established.");

xref:connect.adoc[More info on connecting to a database ->]

== Query the database

Execute a Cypher statement with the method `Driver.executableQuery()`.
Execute a Cypher statement with the method `IDriver.ExecutableQuery()`.
Do not hardcode or concatenate parameters: use placeholders and specify the parameters as a map through the `.withParameters()` method.

[source, java, role=nocollapse]
[source, csharp]
// import java.util.Map;
// import org.neo4j.driver.QueryConfig;
// Get all 42-year-olds
var result = driver.executableQuery("MATCH (p:Person {age: $age}) RETURN AS name")
.withParameters(Map.of("age", 42))
// Loop through results and do something with them
var records = result.records();
records.forEach(r -> {
System.out.println(r); // or r.get("name").asString()
var result = await driver
.ExecutableQuery("MATCH (p:Person {age: $age}) RETURN AS name")
.WithConfig(new QueryConfig(database: "neo4j"))
.WithParameters(new { age = 42 } )
// Loop through results and print people's name
foreach (var record in result.Result) {
// Summary information
var summary = result.summary();
System.out.printf("The query %s returned %d records in %d ms.%n",
summary.query(), records.size(),
var summary = result.Summary;
Console.WriteLine($"The query `{summary.Query.Text}` returned {result.Result.Count()} results in {summary.ResultAvailableAfter.Milliseconds} ms.");

xref:query-simple.adoc[More info on querying the database ->]
Expand All @@ -89,116 +72,95 @@ xref:query-simple.adoc[More info on querying the database ->]
== Run your own transactions

For more advanced use-cases, you can run <<transaction,transactions>>.
Use the methods `Session.executeRead()` and `Session.executeWrite()` to run managed transactions.
Use the methods `IAsyncSession.ExecuteReadAsync()` and `IAsyncSession.ExecuteWriteAsync()` to run managed transactions.

.A transaction with multiple queries, client logic, and potential roll backs
[source, java]
[source, csharp]
package demo;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.neo4j.driver.AuthTokens;
import org.neo4j.driver.GraphDatabase;
import org.neo4j.driver.QueryConfig;
import org.neo4j.driver.Record;
import org.neo4j.driver.RoutingControl;
import org.neo4j.driver.SessionConfig;
import org.neo4j.driver.TransactionContext;
import org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.NoSuchRecordException;
public class App {
// Create & employ 100 people to 10 different organizations
public static void main(String... args) {
final String dbUri = "<URI for Neo4j database>";
final String dbUser = "<Username>";
final String dbPassword = "<Password>";
try (var driver = GraphDatabase.driver(dbUri, AuthTokens.basic(dbUser, dbPassword))) {
try (var session = driver.session(SessionConfig.builder().withDatabase("neo4j").build())) {
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
String name = String.format("Thor%d", i);
try {
String orgId = session.executeWrite(tx -> employPersonTx(tx, name));
System.out.printf("User %s added to organization %s.%n", name, orgId);
} catch (Exception e) {
using Neo4j.Driver;
const string dbUri = "<URI for Neo4j database>";
const string dbUser = "<Username>";
const string dbPassword = "<Password>";
await using var driver = GraphDatabase.Driver(dbUri, AuthTokens.Basic(dbUser, dbPassword));
await driver.VerifyConnectivityAsync();
// Create & employ 100 people to 10 different organizations
using var session = driver.AsyncSession(conf => conf.WithDatabase("neo4j"));
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
var name = $"Thor{i}";
try {
string orgId = await session.ExecuteWriteAsync(async tx => {
return await employPersonTx(tx, name);
Console.WriteLine($"User {name} added to organization {orgId}.");
} catch (Neo4jException e) {
static String employPersonTx(TransactionContext tx, String name) {
final int employeeThreshold = 10;
async Task<string> employPersonTx(IAsyncQueryRunner tx, string name) {
var employeeThreshold = 10;
// Create new Person node with given name, if not exists already"MERGE (p:Person {name: $name})", Map.of("name", name));
await tx.RunAsync("MERGE (p:Person {name: $name})", new { name = name });
// Obtain most recent organization ID and the number of people linked to it
var result ="""
var result = await tx.RunAsync(@"
MATCH (o:Organization)
RETURN AS id, COUNT{(p:Person)-[r:WORKS_FOR]->(o)} AS employeesN
ORDER BY o.createdDate DESC
Record org = null;
String orgId = null;
string orgId = "";
int employeesN = 0;
try {
org = result.single();
orgId = org.get("id").asString();
employeesN = org.get("employeesN").asInt();
} catch (NoSuchRecordException e) {
// The query is guaranteed to return <= 1 results, so if.single() throws, it means there's none.
bool org = await result.FetchAsync();
if (org == false) {
// If no organization exists, create one and add Person to it
orgId = createOrganization(tx);
System.out.printf("No orgs available, created %s.%n", orgId);
orgId = await createOrganization(tx);
Console.WriteLine($"No orgs available, created {orgId}.");
} else {
orgId = result.Current.Get<string>("id");
employeesN = result.Current.Get<int>("employeesN");
// If org does not have too many employees, add this Person to it
if (employeesN < employeeThreshold) {
addPersonToOrganization(tx, name, orgId);
await addPersonToOrganization(tx, name, orgId);
// If the above throws, the transaction will roll back
// -> not even Person is created!
// Otherwise, create a new Organization and link Person to it
} else {
orgId = createOrganization(tx);
System.out.printf("Latest org is full, created %s.%n", orgId);
addPersonToOrganization(tx, name, orgId);
orgId = await createOrganization(tx);
Console.WriteLine($"Latest org is full, created {orgId}.");
await addPersonToOrganization(tx, name, orgId);
// If any of the above throws, the transaction will roll back
// -> not even Person is created!
return orgId; // Organization ID to which the new Person ends up in
static String createOrganization(TransactionContext tx) {
var result ="""
CREATE (o:Organization {id: randomuuid(), createdDate: datetime()})
var org = result.single();
var orgId = org.get("id").asString();
return orgId;
async Task<string> createOrganization(IAsyncQueryRunner tx) {
var result = await tx.RunAsync(@"
CREATE (o:Organization {id: randomuuid(), createdDate: datetime()})
bool org = await result.FetchAsync(); // can't be false
string orgId = result.Current.Get<string>("id");
return orgId;
static void addPersonToOrganization(TransactionContext tx, String personName, String orgId) {"""
MATCH (o:Organization {id: $orgId})
MATCH (p:Person {name: $name})
MERGE (p)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(o)
""", Map.of("orgId", orgId, "name", personName)
async Task addPersonToOrganization(IAsyncQueryRunner tx, string personName, string orgId) {
await tx.RunAsync(@"
MATCH (o:Organization {id: $orgId})
MATCH (p:Person {name: $name})
MERGE (p)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(o)
", new { orgId = orgId, name = personName }

Expand All @@ -207,15 +169,15 @@ xref:transactions.adoc[More info on running transactions ->]

== Close connections and sessions

Unless you created them with `try-with-resources` statements, call the `.close()` method on all `Driver` and `Session` instances to release any resources still held by them.
Unless you created them with the `using` keyword, remember to close all `IDriver` and `IAsyncSession` instances to release any resources still held by them.

[source, java, test-skip]
[source, csharp, test-skip]
await session.CloseAsync();
await driver.CloseAsync();

== API documentation

For in-depth information about driver features, check out the link:[API documentation].
For in-depth information about driver features, check out the link:[API documentation].

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