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stefano-ottolenghi committed Dec 22, 2024
1 parent 591c178 commit d576b63
Showing 1 changed file with 113 additions and 188 deletions.
301 changes: 113 additions & 188 deletions dotnet-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/data-types.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,255 +114,180 @@ Console.WriteLine(result.Result[0].Get<INode>("p").Get<Point>("location"));

=== `NodeValue`
=== `INode`
Represents a node in a graph.

.Essential methods on node objects
.Essential members on node objects
|Method |Return
|Property/Method |Return

|Node labels, as a list.

|Node properties, as a map.

|Value for the given property.
|Value for the given property, casted to `type`.

|String identifier for the relationship.
|String identifier for the node.
This should be used with care, as no guarantees are given about the mapping between id values and elements outside the scope of a single transaction. In other words, using an `elementId` to `MATCH` an element across different transactions is risky.


.Retrieve a node and display its details
[source, java]
[source, csharp]
package demo;
import java.util.Map;
import org.neo4j.driver.AuthTokens;
import org.neo4j.driver.Driver;
import org.neo4j.driver.GraphDatabase;
import org.neo4j.driver.QueryConfig;
public class App {
public static void main(String... args) {
final String dbUri = "<URI for Neo4j database>";
final String dbUser = "<Username>";
final String dbPassword = "<Password>";
try (var driver = GraphDatabase.driver(dbUri, AuthTokens.basic(dbUser, dbPassword))) {
// Get a node from the database
var result = driver.executableQuery("MERGE (p:Person:Actor {name: $name, age: 59}) RETURN p")
.withParameters(Map.of("name", "Alice"))
// Extract node from result
var nodeVal = result.records().get(0).get("p");
var node = nodeVal.asNode(); // .asNode() -> type org.neo4j.driver.types.Node
System.out.printf("Labels: %s %n", node.labels());
System.out.printf("Properties: %s %n", node.asMap());
System.out.printf("Name property: %s %n", node.get("name"));
System.out.printf("Element ID: %s %n", node.elementId());
Labels: [Person, Actor]
Properties: {name=Alice, age=59}
Name property: "Alice"
Element ID: 4:549a0567-2015-4bb6-a40c-8536bf7227b0:5
var result = await driver.ExecutableQuery("MERGE (p:Person:Actor {name: $name, age: $age}) RETURN p")
.WithParameters(new { name = "Alice", age = 59 })
.WithConfig(new QueryConfig(database: "neo4j"))
var node = result.Result[0].Get<INode>("p");
Console.WriteLine("Labels: {0}", string.Join(", ", node.Labels));
Console.WriteLine("Properties: {0}", string.Join(", ", node.Properties));
Console.WriteLine("Name property: {0}", node.Get<string>("name"));
Labels: Person, Actor
Properties: [name, Alice], [age, 59]
Name property: Alice

For full documentation, see link:[API documentation -> NodeValue].
For full documentation, see link:[API documentation -> INode].

=== `RelationshipValue`
=== `IRelationship`

Represents a relationship in a graph.

.Essential methods on relationsip objects
.Essential members on relationsip objects
|Method |Return
|Property/Method |Return

|Relationship type.

|Relationship properties, as a map.

|Value for the given property.
|Value for the given property, casted to `type`.

|`elementId` of starting node.

| `elementId` of ending node.

|String identifier for the relationship.
This should be used with care, as no guarantees are given about the mapping between id values and elements outside the scope of a single transaction. In other words, using an `elementId` to `MATCH` an element across different transactions is risky.


.Retrieve a relationship and display its details
[source, java]
[source, csharp]
package demo;
import java.util.Map;
import org.neo4j.driver.AuthTokens;
import org.neo4j.driver.Driver;
import org.neo4j.driver.GraphDatabase;
import org.neo4j.driver.QueryConfig;
public class App {
public static void main(String... args) {
final String dbUri = "<URI for Neo4j database>";
final String dbUser = "<Username>";
final String dbPassword = "<Password>";
try (var driver = GraphDatabase.driver(dbUri, AuthTokens.basic(dbUser, dbPassword))) {
// Get a relationship from the database
var result = driver.executableQuery("""
MERGE (p:Person {name: $name})
MERGE (p)-[r:KNOWS {status: $status, since: date()}]->(friend:Person {name: $friendName})
RETURN r AS friendship
.withParameters(Map.of("name", "Alice", "status", "BFF", "friendName", "Bob"))
// Extract relationship from result
var relationshipVal = result.records().get(0).get("friendship");
var relationship = relationshipVal.asRelationship(); // .asRelationship() -> type org.neo4j.driver.types.Relationship
System.out.printf("Type: %s %n", relationship.type());
System.out.printf("Properties: %s %n", relationship.asMap());
System.out.printf("Status property: %s %n", relationship.get("status"));
System.out.printf("Start node: %s %n", relationship.startNodeElementId());
System.out.printf("End node: %s %n", relationship.endNodeElementId());
System.out.printf("Element ID: %s %n", relationship.elementId());
Properties: {since=2024-01-12, status=BFF}
Status property: "BFF"
Start node: 4:549a0567-2015-4bb6-a40c-8536bf7227b0:0
End node: 4:549a0567-2015-4bb6-a40c-8536bf7227b0:6
Element ID: 5:549a0567-2015-4bb6-a40c-8536bf7227b0:1
var result = await driver.ExecutableQuery(@"
MERGE (p:Person {name: $name})
MERGE (friend:Person {name: $friendName})
MERGE (p)-[r:KNOWS {status: $status, since: date()}]->(friend)
RETURN r AS friendship
.WithParameters(new { name = "Alice", friendName = "Bob", status = "BFF" })
.WithConfig(new QueryConfig(database: "neo4j"))
var relationship = result.Result[0].Get<IRelationship>("friendship");
Console.WriteLine($"Type: {relationship.Type}");
Console.WriteLine("Properties: {0}", string.Join(", ", relationship.Properties));
Console.WriteLine("Status property: {0}", relationship.Get<string>("status"));
Properties: [since, 2024-12-22], [status, BFF]
Status property: BFF

For full documentation, see link:[API documentation -> RelationshipValue].
For full documentation, see link:[API documentation -> IRelationship].

=== `PathValue`
=== `IPath`

Represents a path in a graph.

The driver breaks paths into (iterable) _segments_, consisting of a start node, one relationship, and an end node.
Segments entities may be retrieved, in order, via the methods `.start()`, `.relationship()`, and `.end()`.

.Retrieve a path and _walk_ it, listing nodes and relationship
[source, java]
.Retrieve a path and _walk_ it
[source, csharp]
package demo;
import java.util.Map;
import org.neo4j.driver.AuthTokens;
import org.neo4j.driver.Driver;
import org.neo4j.driver.GraphDatabase;
import org.neo4j.driver.types.Path;
import org.neo4j.driver.QueryConfig;
public class App {
public static void main(String... args) {
final String dbUri = "<URI for Neo4j database>";
final String dbUser = "<Username>";
final String dbPassword = "<Password>";
try (var driver = GraphDatabase.driver(dbUri, AuthTokens.basic(dbUser, dbPassword))) {
// Create some :Person nodes linked by :KNOWS relationships
addFriend(driver, "Alice", "BFF", "Bob");
addFriend(driver, "Bob", "Fiends", "Sofia");
addFriend(driver, "Sofia", "Acquaintances", "Sofia");
// Follow :KNOWS relationships outgoing from Alice three times, return as path
var result = driver.executableQuery("""
MATCH path=(:Person {name: $name})-[:KNOWS*3]->(:Person)
RETURN path AS friendshipChain
.withParameters(Map.of("name", "Alice"))
// Extract path from result
var pathVal = result.records().get(0).get("friendshipChain");
var path = pathVal.asPath(); // .asPath() -> type org.neo4j.driver.types.Path
System.out.println("-- Path breakdown --");
for (Path.Segment segment : path) {
"%s is friends with %s (%s).%n",
-- Path breakdown --
Alice is friends with Bob (BFF).
Bob is friends with Sofia (Fiends).
Sofia is friends with Sofia (Acquaintances).
public static void addFriend(Driver driver, String name, String status, String friendName) {
MERGE (p:Person {name: $name})
MERGE (p)-[r:KNOWS {status: $status, since: date()}]->(friend:Person {name: $friendName})
.withParameters(Map.of("name", name, "status", status, "friendName", friendName))
using Neo4j.Driver;
const string dbUri = "<URI for Neo4j database>";
const string dbUser = "<Username>";
const string dbPassword = "<Password>";
await using var driver = GraphDatabase.Driver(dbUri, AuthTokens.Basic(dbUser, dbPassword));
await driver.VerifyConnectivityAsync();
// Create some :Person nodes linked by :KNOWS relationships
await addFriend(driver, "Alice", "BFF", "Bob");
await addFriend(driver, "Bob", "Fiends", "Sofia");
await addFriend(driver, "Sofia", "Acquaintances", "Sofia");
// Follow :KNOWS relationships outgoing from Alice three times, return as path
var result = await driver.ExecutableQuery(@"
MATCH path=(:Person {name: $name})-[:KNOWS*3]->(:Person)
RETURN path AS friendshipChain
.WithParameters(new { name = "Alice", friendName = "Bob", status = "BFF" })
.WithConfig(new QueryConfig(database: "neo4j"))
// Extract path from result
var path = result.Result[0].Get<IPath>("friendshipChain");
Console.WriteLine("-- Path breakdown --");
for (var i=0; i<path.Relationships.Count; i++) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} is friends with {1} ({2}).",
-- Path breakdown --
Alice is friends with Bob (BFF).
Bob is friends with Sofia (Fiends).
Sofia is friends with Sofia (Acquaintances).
async Task addFriend(IDriver driver, string name, string status, string friendName) {
await driver.ExecutableQuery(@"
MERGE (p:Person {name: $name})
MERGE (friend:Person {name: $friendName})
MERGE (p)-[r:KNOWS {status: $status, since: date()}]->(friend)
.WithParameters(new { name = name, status = status, friendName = friendName })
.WithConfig(new QueryConfig(database: "neo4j"))

For full documentation, see link:[API documentation -> PathValue].
For full documentation, see link:[API documentation -> IPath].

== Exceptions

The driver can raise a number of different exceptions, see link:[API documentation -> Exceptions].
The driver can raise a number of different exceptions, see link:[API documentation -> Neo4jException]. Exception objects are GQL-compliant.

For a list of errors the server can return, see link:{neo4j-docs-base-uri}/status-codes/{page-version}[Status codes].

Some server errors are marked as safe to retry without need to alter the original request.
Those exceptions have a `true` value for the `.IsRetriable` property.
Examples of such errors are deadlocks, memory issues, or connectivity issues.
Driver's exceptions implementing link:[`RetryableException`] are such that a further attempt at the operation that caused it might be successful.
This is particular useful when running queries in xref:transactions#explicit-transactions[explicit transactions], to know if a failed query is worth re-running.

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