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0.4.0 - Command parsing actions, bug fixing and refactors (#113)
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* wip

* wip

* Proper Arg parsing support through actions

* Fix worker order

* wip

* At least it can get interrupted now

* It works!

* Fix buggy VTY

* Extract RuntimeState

* Add text interpolation

* Replace another string

* Refactor service module

* Bump versions


Co-authored-by: Nick Seagull <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
Nick Seagull and Nick Seagull authored Sep 1, 2024
1 parent 650610e commit 714a27c
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Showing 18 changed files with 1,107 additions and 605 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cli/nhcli.cabal
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 3.4
name: nhcli
version: 0.1.0
version: 0.3.1
synopsis: Command Line Tool for NeoHaskell
-- description:
Expand Down
171 changes: 85 additions & 86 deletions cli/src/Neo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,116 +1,115 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Data.Record.Anon.Plugin #-}

module Neo (main) where

import Action qualified
import Array (Array)
import Array qualified
import Command qualified
import Core
import File qualified
import Result qualified
import Path qualified
import Service qualified
import ToText (Show)
import Time qualified
import Yaml qualified
import ToText (Show (..))

type Model =
type State =
'[ "project" := Maybe ProjectDefinition,
"path" := Maybe Path,
"count" := Int,
"status" := Text
'[ "foo" := Text,
"bar" := Text

type ProjectDefinition =
data Event
= Transpile TranspilationStartedEvent
| NoOp
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

type TranspilationStartedEvent =
'[ "name" := Text,
"version" := Version
'[ "inputPath" := Path,
"outputPath" := Path

data Event
= ProjectFileRead Text
| ProjectFileAccessErrored File.Error
| ProjectFileParsed ProjectDefinition
| BuildStarted
| Tick
| BuildFailed FailureReason
deriving (Show)
commandParser :: Command.OptionsParser Event
commandParser = do
let transpile =
{ name = "transpile",
description = "Transpile a file or directory",
version = Nothing,
decoder = transpileParser
(Array.fromLinkedList [transpile])

transpileParser :: Command.OptionsParser Event
transpileParser = do
event <- transpilationParser
pure (Transpile event)

transpilationParser :: Command.OptionsParser TranspilationStartedEvent
transpilationParser = do
inputPath <-
{ help = "Path to the input file or directory",
long = "input",
short = 'i',
metavar = "PATH"

outputPath <-
{ help = "Path to the output file or directory",
long = "output",
short = 'o',
metavar = "PATH"

data FailureReason
= ProjectFileParseError Text
deriving (Show)
pure ANON {inputPath = inputPath, outputPath = outputPath}

init :: (Model, Action Event)
init :: (State, Action Event)
init = do
let emptyModel =
{ project = Nothing,
path = Nothing,
count = 0,
status = "Starting up"
let emptyState = ANON {foo = "foo", bar = "bar"}
let action =
{ path = [path|project.yaml|],
onSuccess = ProjectFileRead,
onError = ProjectFileAccessErrored
{ name = "neo",
description = "NeoHaskell's console helper",
version = Just [version|0.0.0|],
decoder = commandParser
(emptyModel, action)
(emptyState, action)

update :: Event -> Model -> (Model, Action Event)
update event model =
update :: Event -> State -> (State, Action Event)
update event state =
case event of
ProjectFileRead fileContent -> do
let parsedContent = Yaml.parse fileContent
let newModel = model {status = "Parsing project file"}
case parsedContent of
Result.Ok projectDefinition ->
(newModel, Action.continueWith (ProjectFileParsed projectDefinition))
Result.Err _ -> do
let error = ProjectFileParseError fileContent
(newModel, Action.continueWith (BuildFailed error))
ProjectFileAccessErrored _ ->
(model {status = "File Access Errored"}, Action.none)
ProjectFileParsed projectDefinition ->
(model {project = Just projectDefinition}, Action.none)
BuildStarted ->
(model {status = "Build Started!"}, Action.none)
BuildFailed _ ->
(model {status = "Build Failed!"}, Action.none)
Tick ->
( model
{ count = model.count + 1,
status = "Count: " ++ toText model.count

view :: Model -> Text
view m =
case m.project of
Just project ->
m.status ++ "\n\n" ++ toText project
Nothing ->
Transpile transpilationStartedEvent -> do
let newState = state {foo = "Transpilation started", bar = transpilationStartedEvent.inputPath |> Path.toText}
let action = Action.none
(newState, action)
NoOp -> do
let newState = state
let action = Action.none
(newState, action)

view :: State -> Text
view _ = "Hello, world!"

triggers :: Array (Trigger Event)
triggers = Array.empty

main :: IO ()
main =
{ init = (init),
view = (view),
triggers =
[ Time.triggerEveryMilliseconds 1000 (\_ -> Tick)
update = (update)
main = do
let app :: Service.UserApp State Event
app =
ANON {init = init, view = view, triggers = triggers, update = update}
Service.init app
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions cli/src/Neo/Transpile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
module Neo.Transpile () where

import Action qualified
import Array qualified
import Core
import File qualified
import Result qualified
import Service qualified
import Time qualified
import ToText (Show)

type State =
'[ "inputPath" := Path,
"outputPath" := Path,
"status" := Text

data Event
= InputFileRead Text
| InputFileAccessErrored File.Error
| TranspilationCompleted Text
| TranspilationFailed FailureReason
| OutputFileWritten
| OutputFileWriteErrored File.Error
deriving (Show)

data FailureReason
= TranspilationError Text
deriving (Show)

init :: (State, Action Event)
init = do
let emptyState =
{ inputPath = Nothing,
outputPath = Nothing,
status = "Starting up"
let action =
{ path = [path|inputPath.txt|],
onSuccess = InputFileRead,
onError = InputFileAccessErrored
(emptyState, action)

update :: Event -> State -> (State, Action Event)
update event state =
case event of
InputFileRead fileContent -> do
let newState = state {inputPath = Just fileContent, status = "Transpiling..."}
let transpiled = transpile fileContent
(newState, Action.continueWith (TranspilationCompleted transpiled))
InputFileAccessErrored _ ->
(state {status = "Input File Access Errored"}, Action.none)
TranspilationCompleted transpiledContent -> do
let newState = state {outputPath = Just transpiledContent, status = "Writing output..."}
let action =
{ path = [path|outputPath.txt|],
content = transpiledContent,
onSuccess = \_ -> OutputFileWritten,
onError = OutputFileWriteErrored
(newState, action)
TranspilationFailed reason ->
(state {status = "Transpilation Failed: " ++ toText reason}, Action.none)
OutputFileWritten ->
(state {status = "Transpilation Completed"}, Action.none)
OutputFileWriteErrored _ ->
(state {status = "Output File Write Errored"}, Action.none)

view :: State -> Text
view state = state.status

transpile :: Text -> Text
transpile input =
-- This is a placeholder for the actual transpilation logic
-- In a real-world scenario, you'd implement your transpilation rules here
"Transpiled: " ++ input

main :: IO ()
main =
{ init = init,
view = view,
update = update,
triggers = Array.empty
33 changes: 31 additions & 2 deletions core/concurrency/AsyncIO.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
module AsyncIO (AsyncIO, run, waitFor, sleep) where
module AsyncIO (AsyncIO, run, waitFor, sleep, process, waitAnyCancel, withRecovery, cancel) where

import Array (Array)
import Array qualified
import Basics
import Control.Concurrent qualified as Ghc
import Control.Concurrent.Async qualified as GhcAsync
import Data.Either qualified as Either
import Result (Result)
import Result qualified

type AsyncIO result = GhcAsync.Async result
Expand All @@ -16,5 +21,29 @@ waitFor :: AsyncIO result -> IO result
waitFor = GhcAsync.wait

process :: IO a -> (AsyncIO a -> IO b) -> IO b
process = GhcAsync.withAsync

sleep :: Int -> IO Unit
sleep milliseconds = Ghc.threadDelay (milliseconds * 1000)
sleep milliseconds = Ghc.threadDelay (milliseconds * 1000)

withRecovery :: IO error -> IO result -> IO (Result error result)
withRecovery errorIO resultIO = do
result <- GhcAsync.race errorIO resultIO
case result of
Either.Left a -> pure (Result.Err a)
Either.Right a -> pure (Result.Ok a)

waitAnyCancel :: Array (AsyncIO a) -> IO (AsyncIO a, a)
waitAnyCancel arr = do
let asyncList =
Array.toLinkedList arr
(async, result) <- GhcAsync.waitAnyCancel asyncList
pure (async, result)

cancel :: AsyncIO a -> IO ()
cancel = GhcAsync.cancel

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