MODX FRED Bootstrap for Material Design Theme
This is a theme for the front end editor (FRED) for MODX . It's very rough right now, I only have so much time to work on it. I want to try and make it compataible with most of the components in material design for Bootstrap 4.
This is the first time I've built a theme for FRED, your milage will vary. Where I'm currently working on it, eventually we should have an official public demo.
- Section - This is a full width block that will support photo and color backgrounds with color overlays or even gradients.
- Heading - Just a simple editable heading
- Image - This uses the Bootstrap 4 figure markup supporting size, cropping, and drop shadow
- Card - A directly editable card component that supports a photo, button, and descriptive text.
- Button - Button component with different priority levels as well as block, label and link options
- Youtube Video - Embed a youtube video - there are issues with dragging this element from a small constrained space to a larger space.
- Font Awesome Icon - Select a font awesome icon, uses the Icon Editor extra.
- Layouts - I have planned 1 - 5 or 6 column layouts.
- 3 Columns
- List Resources - pdoResources based list builder using cards, ideally configurable for columns, mobile desktop, etc
- Carousel - Currently tryign to use bootstraps carousel, but fighting it currently.
Hopefully this works for everyone
- Install this fred theme
- Setup a template using material design for bootstrap in MODX
- I supose we should try including that into the theme itself, but I'm not sure what the legalities of that are.