Easy-to-use, readable and comprehensive library for consuming TeamCity REST API. Written using real scenarios in mind, enables variuos range of queries and operation on TeamCity
Install FluentTc nuget package from from Manage Nuget packages
Or from Nuget Package Manager Console: install-package FluentTc
Connects to TeamCity using guest account and retrieves builds from the FluentTc build configuration with all its branches, with additional build properties, such as StatusText, StartDate and FinishDate; with paging taking 10 builds starting from the 30th build.
IList<IBuild> builds =
new RemoteTc().Connect(h => h.ToHost("teamcity.codebetter.com").AsGuest())
.GetBuilds(b =>
b.BuildConfiguration(c =>
.Branch(r => r.Branched()),
i => i.IncludeStatusText().IncludeStartDate().IncludeFinishDate(),
p => p.Start(30).Count(10));
For more examples and documentation read the Wiki
- Boris Modylevsky @borismod
- Tomer Cohen @TCDooM
- Igor Olikh @igoro1975
- Derrick Wood @asmoran
- sokolovsv90 @sokolovsv90
- Tomer Admon @TomerAdmon
- Artem Kuznetsov @nex-54
FluentTc adheres to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0, basically means that there are no breaking changes unless the version is 0.x or major version is promoted.
The project is stable and works in production in a few organizations. It has a growing community of users and contributors. Although we are happy with its current state, we'd like to hear what you think. We are asking to spend a few minutes and fill this survey: FluentTc survey