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Docker implementation of SMS-based Queue Manager

This repo builds upon the code found here, providing a Dockerfile to easily deploy a basic Python queue-manager application. You can read the full blog post for details about how the Dockerfile is put together.

Getting started

Clone this repo:

git clone
cd docker-queue-manager

Make sure Docker is running on your computer, then enter the following to build the Docker image:

docker build --tag queue-app .

Run locally

If you'd like to run locally, you'll first need to prepare a few environment variables. First, populate .env with your Nexmo information. The default DATABASE_URL is equal to sqlite:///queue.db, but you can specify another database if you'd like (for local testing it is enough to create a SQLite database in the container, but this database will not persist after the container is stopped). Then, enter the following in your terminal:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --env-file .env queue_app

To fully test, you will need to use ngrok to provide a publically accessible URL for your app. In another terminal window, type the following:

./ngrok HTTP 5000

Copy the HTTPS forwarding URL and paste into the "Inbound Webhook URL" field under the settings for your Nexmo number. It should look like this:

https://<your ngrok url>/webhooks/inbound-sms

Deploy to Heroku

Before you can deploy to Heroku, you'll need to make sure you have the Heroku CLI and that you are logged in. Once you've done that, create an application and a Postgres DB for your app:

heroku create <your application name>
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev -a <your application name>

Now you'll want to update your Heroku config variables with your Nexmo credentials:

Heroku configs variables

Then, login to the Heroku container registry and push and release your Docker image:

heroku container:login
heroku container:push web -a <your application name>
heroku container:release web -a <your application name>

As a last step, make sure you update your Nexmo number settings with your Heroku app's URL:

https://<your Heroku url>/webhooks/inbound-sms


Dockerized version of SMS-based queue manager app






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