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Document Event_Mixer class
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gondiaz committed Dec 10, 2021
1 parent 5388c53 commit f4426c3
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 29 deletions.
151 changes: 122 additions & 29 deletions invisible_cities/evm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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get_file_number = lambda filename: int(filename.split("/")[-1].split(".h5")[0].split("_")[1])

class Event_Mixer():
This class writes MC mixed isaura files. It reads the files separately for each
MC component pair (isotope, g4volume), selects the provided number of events
for each component, and writes them in mixed files (ie files that contain events for each component).
:inpath: (str) the input path of the MC files, which must explicitly depend on the simulated component
through "g4volume" and "isotope" variables. For example: "/somepath/{g4volume}/{isotope}"
:outpath:(str) the output path for where mixed files will be saved.
:events_df: (pd.DataFrame) dataframe with 3 columns: G4Volume, Isotope, nevts
:nevents_per_file: (int) the number of events to same in each mixed file. Each mixed file will
contain the fraction of events for each component based on :events_df:

def __init__(self, inpath : str
, outpath : str
, events_df: pd.DataFrame
, nevents_per_file: int):
Initializes the constant (fixed-value) class atributes, except for self.counter
which is modified some of the methods.

self.inpath = os.path.expandvars(inpath)
self.outpath = os.path.expandvars(outpath)
self.nevents_per_file = nevents_per_file

self._init_counter(events_df) # defines self.counter
# defines self.counter

# number of output files
self.nfiles_out = \
int(np.ceil(self.counter.nevts.sum() / self.nevents_per_file))

# (group, node) pair of isaura file tables (ignoring Filters)
self.tables = dict(( ( "events", ("Run", "events") )
, ( "runInfo", ("Run", "runInfo") )
, ( "eventMap", ("Run", "eventMap"))
Expand All @@ -40,7 +64,20 @@ def __init__(self, inpath : str

def _init_counter(self, df):
Defines the class counter, that keeps track of the files and events inside the file
that has already been written by the mixer for each component.
It contains 6 columns: (G4Volume, Isotope, nevts, file_idx, evt_idx, nevts_per_file)
For each (G4Volume, Isotope) component, the columns represent:
:nevts: the number of events to write
:file_idx: file index in the ordered list of input files
:evt_idx : event index of the last event writed
(refered to the last input file with writen events)
:nevts_per_file: the number of events in each output file, as a fraction of the total events.

self.counter = df.copy()

Expand All @@ -50,13 +87,26 @@ def _init_counter(self, df):


def run(self):
Runs the event mixer.
For each output file, performs the following tasks:
- initilaze empty dataframes for each isaura-table, to be filled with the corresponding data
for each (g4volume, isotope) component and finally saved
- loop on (g4volume, isotope) components to read and append the data to the dataframes
- write the dataframes to the output file
Once all the output files are writen, the dataframes used at the last file are disposed.

i = 0

# loop on output files
while (i < self.nfiles_out):

# initilaze dataframes to append data from all components

# open output file to write
Expand All @@ -68,50 +118,62 @@ def run(self):
# loop on (g4volume, isotope)
for cidx in self.counter.index:

# events already writen
if (self.counter.loc[cidx, "nevts"] == 0): continue

# append component data to dataframes

# protection againts nevents_per_file < number of (g4volume, isotope)
# protection againts nevents_per_file < number of components
if (len( >= self.nevents_per_file): break

# write dataframes to output file
i += 1

# dispose the dataframes writen in the last output file

def _init_dfs(self):
''' = pd.DataFrame()'''
Defines empty dataframes for each table: self.table_name = pd.DataFrame()
for key, _ in self.tables.items(): setattr(self, key, pd.DataFrame())

def _dispose_dfs(self):
"del & del self.name_"
for key, table in self.tables.items():
delattr(self, key)
delattr(self, key + "_")

def _get_component_data(self, cidx):

g4volume = self.counter.loc[cidx, "G4Volume"]
isotope = self.counter.loc[cidx, "Isotope"]
file_idx = self.counter.loc[cidx, "file_idx"]
For the component (g4volume, isotope) with index "cidx" in self.counter dataframe,
selects the data for the desired number of events in file and appends it to the
self.table_name dataframes.
# read component info for the given cidx
g4volume = self.counter.loc[cidx, "G4Volume"]
isotope = self.counter.loc[cidx, "Isotope"]
file_idx = self.counter.loc[cidx, "file_idx"]
nevts_per_file = self.counter.loc[cidx, "nevts_per_file"]

# list of filenames, sorted by file-number
filenames = sorted( glob.glob(self.inpath.format(g4volume = g4volume, isotope = isotope))
, key = get_file_number)

for filename in filenames[file_idx:]:

# protection from nevts_per_file ceiling
# protection againts nevts_per_file ceiling
nevts_per_file_ = min(self.nevents_per_file-len(, nevts_per_file)

# read data for this filename as dataframes, named seld.table_name_
# (notice the underscore to diferenciate from self.table_name global dataframe)

evt_idx = self.counter.loc[cidx, "evt_idx"]
nevts = self.counter.loc[cidx, "nevts"]

n_idle = (len(self.events_) - evt_idx)
n_idle = (len(self.events_) - evt_idx) # number of unselected events

# enough events in file
if (n_idle > nevts_per_file_):
Expand All @@ -122,6 +184,7 @@ def _get_component_data(self, cidx):
self._write_component_info(g4volume, isotope)

# update counter
self.counter.loc[cidx, "evt_idx"] = last_idx
self.counter.loc[cidx, "nevts"] -= len(self.events_)
Expand All @@ -132,15 +195,20 @@ def _get_component_data(self, cidx):
self._write_component_info(g4volume, isotope)

# update counter
self.counter.loc[cidx, "evt_idx"] = 0
self.counter.loc[cidx, "file_idx"] += 1
self.counter.loc[cidx, "nevts"] -= len(self.events_)

if (self.counter.loc[cidx, "nevts"] == 0): break

def _read_data(self, filename):
'''self.name_ = load_dst(filename, group, node)'''
Reads data for each table in input file: self.name_ = load_dst(filename, group, node)
Notice that index is set to the event number, simplifying data selection at self._select_data

for key, table in self.tables.items():

Expand All @@ -157,19 +225,12 @@ def _read_data(self, filename):
setattr(self, key + "_", load_dst(filename, *table).set_index("event_id"))

def _write_data(self, h5out):
'''df_writer(h5out,, group, node, 'ZLIB4')'''

for key, table in self.tables.items():
if (key in ("events", "runInfo")):
exec(f"df_writer(h5out, self.{key}, *table, 'ZLIB4')")
exec(f"df_writer(h5out, self.{key}.reset_index(), *table, 'ZLIB4')")

def _select_data(self):
'''self.name_ = self.name_.loc[self.name_.index.intersection(self.events_.evt_number)]'''

Selects the file data for the events in self.events_:
self.table_name_ = self.table_name_.loc[self.table_name_.index.intersection(self.events_.evt_number)]
for key, table in self.tables.items():
if (key == "events"): continue

Expand All @@ -184,21 +245,53 @@ def _select_data(self):
exec(f"self.{key}_ = self.{key}_.loc[self.{key}_.index.intersection(self.eventMap_.nexus_evt)]")

def _write_component_info(self, g4volume, isotope):
'''self.name_.loc[:, ('G4Volume', 'Isotope')] = (g4volume, isotope)'''

def _write_component_info(self, g4volume, isotope):
Add (G4Volume, Isotope) columns in dataframes:
self.name_.loc[:, ('G4Volume', 'Isotope')] = (g4volume, isotope)
for key, table in self.tables.items():
if (key == "runInfo"): continue
exec(f"self.{key}_.loc[:, ('G4Volume', 'Isotope')] = ('{g4volume}', '{isotope}')")

def _concat_data(self):
''' = pd.concat([self.name_,])'''
Append self.table_name_ to self.table_name:
self.table_name = pd.concat([self.table_name_, self.table_name])
for key, table in self.tables.items():
setattr(self, key, pd.concat([getattr(self, key + "_"), getattr(self, key)]))

def _write_data(self, h5out):
Write self.table_name dataframes to output file:
df_writer(h5out, self.table_name, group, node, 'ZLIB4')
for key, table in self.tables.items():
if (key in ("events", "runInfo")):
exec(f"df_writer(h5out, self.{key}, *table, 'ZLIB4')")
exec(f"df_writer(h5out, self.{key}.reset_index(), *table, 'ZLIB4')")

def _dispose_dfs(self):
Deletes dataframe atributtes:
del self.table_name
del self.table_name_
for key, table in self.tables.items():
delattr(self, key)
delattr(self, key + "_")

def get_mixer_nevents(exposure : float, detector_db : str = "next100", isotopes : list = "all"):
This function computes the number of events of each component (isotope, volume) pairs
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