New release of Tsuki-tag, featuring
- Create and manage metadata groups, which are a collection of information, such as author, copyright notice, notes, etc., which can be applied to the metadata of images, and can be directly injected into images with JPG format. Workspace and batch operations added for metadata groups.
- Feature to copy original image website URL or open in default browser.
- Feature to re-download image metadata from online provider to refresh locally stored data.
- Wildcard and regular expression support extended for online list and workspace browsing.
- Sort online lists and workspaces via multiple attributes.
- Display current page number, special tag to jump to a specific page (page:x), or reset page back to one.
- Filtered tags and excluded tags now persist between browsing contexts, new interface option to remove them on switching.
- Multiple asynchronous behavior related fixes, such as stopping cross-pollution of image sources on context switching, interface not freezing for slower loading images, etc.
- Image bitmap handling overhaul for tabs to avoid resource freeing processes from crashing the application.
- Settings screen UI overhaul.