This is an updated version from the previous midterm package (which can be found here:
Below are the command snippets to run the code in the simulation with mobot in side a pen navigating using map and odometry.
- Under the directory where the simulation and urdf reside: Start up gazebo and spawn mobot:
roslaunch mobot_urdf mobot_in_pen.lauch
Load the map of the starting pen:
roscd maps/starting_pen
rosrun map_server map_server starting_pen_map.yaml
- Under the directory where the mobot_controller resides:
Using Odom from gazebo.
Run AMCL to localize the robot in the map. AMCL updates are only about 1Hz, and thus unsuitable for steering feedback.
rosrun amcl amcl
Start mobot_controller's nodes:
rosrun mobot_controller current_state_publisher
rosrun mobot_controller des_state_publisher_service
rosrun mobot_controller linear_steering_wrt_amcl_and_odom
Run rviz:
In rviz, add a map
that reads from topic /map
and add an axis
that reads the tf of base_link
Initiate the path planner:
rosrun mobot_controller navigation_coordinator
This path planner was currently set to perform the below trajectory:
- Predocking table 1 (reorienting vertex)
- Docking table 1
- Back up (0.5 m)
- Predocking table 2 (reorienting vertex)
- Docking table 2
- Back up (0.5 m) (haven't done yet)
- Moving back and reorienting back to initial pose (haven't done yet)