Frequent SQL problems in my daily work. Please find attached file in each content for detail.
- Database: PostgreSQL 12.1 64-bit
See how it works below
Script: AP.sql
We wants to know which vendors have done action A but have not done action B, then sends them an email to promote action A (imagine A is better for us).
First approach is using NOT EXISTS and Correlated Subquery
select distinct vendor_num
from a
where not exists(select *
where vendor_num = a.vendor_num
and delivery_method = 'DTV') -- Have not done Action B
and delivery_method = 'DTS'; -- Have done Action A
Second approach is marking action B as 0 and the action A as 1. Vendors who have not done action B should have min value = 1
delivery_method_check as (select ref_num, vendor_num, delivery_method,
when delivery_method in ('DTS') then 1 -- Have done Action A
when delivery_method = 'DTV' then 0 -- Have not done Action B
else null
end as delivery_method_check
select vendor_num
from delivery_method_check
group by vendor_num
having min(delivery_method_check) = 1;
Script: Delivery.sql
Suppose we need a date range record changes in invoice cost (NIC) overtime.
First idea is MIN(), MAX() functions and GROUP BY
vendor_num, item_idnt, item_desc, min(doc_date) as min_doc_date, max(doc_date) as max_doc_date, inv_price
from public.invoice_detail
group by vendor_num, item_idnt, item_desc, inv_price;
This method cause the overlap in date range because of the repeat of some prices.
Sencond approach is LAG() or LEAD() functions
source_table as (select vendor_num, item_idnt, item_desc, doc_date, inv_price,
lag(inv_price) over(partition by vendor_num, item_idnt order by doc_date) as prev_inv_price,
lag(doc_date) over(partition by vendor_num, item_idnt order by doc_date) as to_date
from public.invoice_detail),
max_doc_date as (select vendor_num, item_idnt, max(doc_date) as max_doc_date
from public.invoice_detail
group by vendor_num, item_idnt),
price_change as (select vendor_num, item_idnt, item_desc, to_date, doc_date, prev_inv_price, inv_price,
(inv_price/prev_inv_price - 1) as perc_variance,
when (inv_price/prev_inv_price - 1) = 0 then 0
else 1 end as classification
from source_table),
before_offset as (select vendor_num, item_idnt, item_desc, to_date, doc_date, prev_inv_price, inv_price, perc_variance
from price_change
where classification = 1),
after_offset as (select *, row_number() over(partition by vendor_num, item_idnt order by doc_date) as rn
from before_offset)
a.vendor_num, a.item_idnt, a.item_desc,
a.doc_date as from_date, coalesce(b.to_date, c.max_doc_date) as to_date, a.inv_price, a.prev_inv_price, a.perc_variance
from after_offset a
left join after_offset b
on a.vendor_num = b.vendor_num and a.item_idnt = b.item_idnt and a.rn = b.rn - 1
left join max_doc_date c
on a.vendor_num = c.vendor_num and a.item_idnt = c.item_idnt;
Script: Historical Price.sql
Suppose we didn't have invoice detail, only got invoice hard copy in SAP system but we need to randomly pick 5 invoices from 3 vendors, then search in SAP to dertermine category of them.
RAND() and ROW_NUMBER() functions can help us in this case
rn as (select acc_doc_num, fiscal_yr, clientid, vendor_num, row_number() over (partition by vendor_num order by random()) as rn
from public.ap_tf
where doc_type = 'KD') -- KD means invoice
vendor_num, acc_doc_num, fiscal_yr, clientid
from rn
where rn <= 5;
Script: Random Picker.sql
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