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Programming Intergration Project - Software Engineering: API for 3D Printing Service


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Fastify Template

formatter: prettier Commitizen friendly CI Deploy

Using fastify, this template includes:

  • API Docs: SwaggerUI
  • Input validation: fluent-json-schema
  • ORM & migration tools: Prisma
  • Deployment:
    • Dockerfile & docker-compose files
    • Script CI/CD in .github/workflows
  • Testing: jest
  • Code linting & styling: husky + prettier
  • Precommit hook: lint-staged

For applying conventional commits, refer commitizen.


  • docker v20.10.22
  • docker-compose v1.29.2
  • node v18.13.0
  • npm 8.19.3


Note: Fill in .env file (use template from .env.example) before starts.

  • yarn bootstrap: Set up development
  • yarn barrels: Gather export objects from many files in a folder and re-export in index.ts file. See configs in .barrelsby.json.
  • yarn start: Start application in dev mode
  • yarn db:migrate: Apply new migration to current database
  • yarn db:reset: Reset database and run seed
  • yarn db:deploy: Deploy all migrations without confirmations (use in production)
  • yarn db:generate: Just generate prisma client library
  • yarn db:studio: Interact with database by a web UI
  • yarn lint: Check linting
  • yarn format: Format code
  • yarn start:docker: Run file to set up local database
  • yarn clean:docker: Remove local database instance include its data.
  • yarn clean:git: Clean local branches which were merged on remote

Project structure

 ┣ 📂migrations     # All SQL migration scripts go here
 ┣ 📜schema.prisma  # Database schema declaration
 ┗ 📜seed.ts        # Generate sample data script
 ┣ 📂configs        # Contain environment variables & other app configurations
 ┣ 📂constants      # Constants and enums go here
 ┣ 📂dtos           # Schema for input (from requests) & output (from responses)
 ┃ ┣ 📂in
 ┃ ┗ 📂out
 ┣ 📂handlers       # Handlers, which are responsible for handling core business logic
 ┣ 📂interfaces     # Interfaces
 ┣ 📂middlewares    # Middlewares such as logging or verifying tokens
 ┣ 📂plugins        # Plugin, in charge of organizing api routings & registering middleware
 ┣ 📂repositories   # Datasource configurations & connections. Could have more than one datasource.
 ┣ 📂services       # 3rd-party services or business logic services
 ┣ 📂types          # Types
 ┣ 📂utils          # Helping classes and functions
 ┣ 📜Server.ts      # Server setting & binding modules
 ┗ 📜index.ts       # Program entry

Project configurations

Code linting & formating

We use eslint to find and fix problem in code, such as:

  • Unused variables
  • Use var declaration
  • Loosely comparation using ==
  • ...

You can run this command to test eslint script:

yarn lint

To maintain only one style coding across members, we use prettier. Try:

yarn format

You don't need to run these scripts regularly or before commiting code. They are run automatically before git commit command by setting as a precommit script. In some circumstances, precommit script is not enabled by default, just type two commands below to fix it:

chmod ug+x .husky/*
chmod ug+x .git/hooks/*

For a tip, two plugins above could be installed in VSCode's extensions.

Barrelsby & Path alias

 ┣ 📂controllers
 ┃ ┗ 📜user.ctrler.ts
 ┣ 📂routes
 ┃ ┗ 📜user.route.ts
 ┣ 📂schemas
 ┃ ┣ 📂in
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜ids.schema.ts
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜user.schema.ts
 ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜index.ts

Imagine you are in user.ctrler.ts and want to import ASchema from ids.schema.ts. The code can be like this:

import { ASchema } from '../schemas/in/ids.schema.ts'

The more nested folders, the more bad looking importation. It is waste time to guess how many .. should be put in relative path.

The solution is barrelsby and path alias. With configurations in .barrelsby.json, barrelsby can import your entire code base in a specific folder, and re-export them in index.ts file.

Try this:

yarn barrels

To avoid using many .. in relative path, config path alias in tsconfig.json. See the guideline here.

Git working culture

  • For every updates, DO NOT push directly to master branch. Create a new branch, commit, publish branch and create a pull request (PR) instead.
  • A branch should have prefix feat/ for a feature update, prefix hotf/ for a hotfix, improv/ for an improvement ...
  • A PR should be small enough to review. To split a large PR, use stacked PRs.

Helpful resources



Programming Intergration Project - Software Engineering: API for 3D Printing Service








Contributors 4
