Vidius is a markdown editor tailored for editing static Jekyll websites.
It supports generating live site previews.
If you're a content editor and you just want to use it:
- Go to
- Log in with GitHub. You will need to grant access for "NHS.UK Vidius" to access your repositories.
The application comprises:
- a lightweight backend written in Sinatra
- a frontend written in React
- a worker (background) process for generating previews, using Resque and Redis to communicate between them.
An instance of Vidius is configured to point at a single GitHub repository containing a Jekyll site.
Previews are generated in the background by downloading the repository, building it, uploading to a new S3 bucket and passing the URL to the app.
You will need to install:
- Redis (server)
- Ruby version specified in .ruby-version - see rbenv
- Ruby dependencies (
bundle install
We've configured two GitHub applications (production and development) in order
to use GitHub's OAuth login system. The development application redirects
to http://localhost:9292/…
rather than…
You need to fetch the client id
and secret
of the development application
which you can find at
All the environment variables you need are described in
Copy to
, edit it and source with .
See Procfile for command lines for running the web and worker processes.