This is the core .NET client lib of Speckle. It provides:
- async methods for calling the speckle api
- methods for interacting with the speckle's websocket api
- the core conversion methods (
) & other helper methods - a base SpeckleObject from which you can inherit to create your own speckle kits
Pretty much all of speckle's connectors are using this library, including:
- Rhino
- Grasshopper
- Revit
- Dynamo
- Unity (with flavours)
Because of quite a few conflicts with other libraries, we are aliasing newtonsoftjson. Consequently, to preserve expected behaviour, if referencing speckle core in your libraries, do use the bundled "SpeckleNewtonsoft" (original v.12). To do so, add a reference to the dll from inside the SpeckleCore solution folder in your project, and then you can use it by doing
extern alias SpeckleNewtonsoft;
using SNJ = SpeckleNewtonsoft.Newtonsoft.Json; // for convenience
// thereafter, in your code, you can use it like this:
SNJ.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( e.EventData, Interop.camelCaseSettings )