- Break deepslate instantly using a Netherite pickaxe.
- The pickaxe must have the efficiency V enchantment and the player has to be under the effect of a Haste II beacon.
- Renewable deepslate, lava above water like a stone generator but at lower Y levels, y=11 by default (configurable).
- Break Logs instantly using a Netherite axe with efficiency V and haste 2. (can be disabled in config file) Version >=1.3
- As of version 2.4 you can add blocks and tools for instamining to the config file
- Needs architectury-api (]
- Configurable list of blocks to instamine .minecraft/config/deepslate_instamine.json
"pickaxes_that_can_instamine": [
"axes_that_can_instamine": [
"axe_instamine_blocks": []
configurable list of tools that can instamine
- Added cobbled deepslate generation, same as cobblestone
- Added calcite generation, same as basalt
- Blocks can now be added for axe instamining